Really depends on the time and place
If you’re wearing a tank top after the sun goes down and you aren’t going to or from the gym, you’re probably a douchebag
If you’re wearing a tank top out to a bar, you’re definitely a douchebag
Really depends on the time and place
If you’re wearing a tank top after the sun goes down and you aren’t going to or from the gym, you’re probably a douchebag
If you’re wearing a tank top out to a bar, you’re definitely a douchebag
See like wtf
Also there’s a way to read the room or the situation nah mean
When it’s summertime down south and humid af, I don’t care what folks think. They can kiss my ass and biceps
Also who gives a s*** what they think
NB, I have never seen you use harsh words like this. You’re usually a laid back and a happy poster, I hope you’re okay.
NB, I have never seen you use harsh words like this. You’re usually a laid back and a happy poster, I hope you’re okay.
I hate you so much
Tbh it’s not many people that look good in a tank top. Having a good physique doesn’t mean you’ll look good in one
I love wearing tanks and shorts and slippers when I’m home
That would be my ideal outfit outside
However I have skinny arms
Chicken legs
So I can’t wear any of those
@OP please wear them on my behalf 😢
I love wearing tanks and shorts and slippers when I’m home
That would be my ideal outfit outside
However I have skinny arms
Chicken legs
So I can’t wear any of those
@OP please wear them on my behalf 😢
I have skinny arms and legs and I literally wear wife pleaser and mesh shorts outside if it’s like hotter than 85 degrees
It’s called not giving a f***. A bunch of strangers at the store/in public are not gonna give two f***s about you or your outfit just like you most likely won’t remember what they were wearing by the time u get home
just wish I wasn’t self conscious enough to walk around shirtless when going on walks/run cause wearing wife pleaser fixed my farmers tan but now I got a tank top tan literally looks like I got one on when I take my shirt off
this reminds me i need some black ones
We call em wife beaters down south
Tbh it’s not many people that look good in a tank top. Having a good physique doesn’t mean you’ll look good in one
I remember a girl told me like 5 yrs ago she thought I was a douche bag cuz I came to work(calling center) wearing a tank top
We cool now tho
just wear what u think looks good and makes u feel comfortable
nah tank tops are cool if you get the guns. But them s***s that show your pecs with little straps on your nipples.... idk what they're called but if you wearing those outside the gym
Lmfao I know what you mean
Only certain dudes wear those