I have skinny arms and legs and I literally wear wife pleaser and mesh shorts outside if it’s like hotter than 85 degrees
It’s called not giving a f***. A bunch of strangers at the store/in public are not gonna give two f***s about you or your outfit just like you most likely won’t remember what they were wearing by the time u get home
just wish I wasn’t self conscious enough to walk around shirtless when going on walks/run cause wearing wife pleaser fixed my farmers tan but now I got a tank top tan literally looks like I got one on when I take my shirt off
you real bro
I’m an insecure skinny nigga but I fully support any man who wants to wear a tank top of any kind. it’s weird to call people douchebags simply for being proud of their bodies
once I’m able to get stacked, I’ll be wearing as little clothing as possible. you won’t be able to tell me s*** 😤
Facts. Imagine getting insecure over somebody wearing a f***in tank like it ain't the summertime
Don't wear them going out to do s*** but thats pretty much all i wear around the house or during stuff in the yard when its warm
Anything goes when it’s hot outside. Insecure out of shape people should probably spend less time minding other peoples business and more time in the gym