  • 6isco 🦈
    Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply

    I think you need to try different sorts of coffee beans to figure out your preferences. I mostly drink Kenyan because they're kinda acidic and dont really taste burned

    im too lazy for that s*** man, i just use the pods

    got a french press, maybe one day when im not lazy ill do the science experiment and pour up a cup

  • 6isco 🦈
    Oct 20, 2021

    btw i dont think the coffee was burnt, i just drank so fast it burnt my throat and I didnt tastr much after

    but I felt the caffeine really kick in when you dont add s*** to it

  • 6isco 🦈
    Oct 20, 2021
    Sir Swagalot

    black coffee is the best df

    guy in your avy looks like he only drinks black coffee

  • Oct 20, 2021

    im too lazy for that s*** man, i just use the pods

    got a french press, maybe one day when im not lazy ill do the science experiment and pour up a cup

    you'll enjoy it so much after a few times! they dont lie when they talk about it being a ritual, thats definitely the best part of it

  • 6isco 🦈
    Oct 20, 2021

    its bout to be 5pm and I just pounded another coffee for no reason other that I was just fiening the taste

  • 6isco 🦈
    Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply

    im for sure a medium roast guy and I like it hot, the moment its starts getting to room temp or so it taste nasty to me

  • Oct 21, 2021

    Acquired taste

    Not going back to cream life anytime soon

  • Oct 21, 2021

    Get good quality coarse ground (or whole bean and just grind it yourself) and a French press and you'll appreciate black coffee a lot more.

  • Oct 21, 2021

    find better coffee. seriously. if it's not good black it's s***ty coffee

  • Once you have a decent machine its all about bean and grind quality.

    If you have reservations about taste try some cold brew. Extraction process means less acidity with a full flavour profile, and who doesnt like a cold drink

  • Oct 24, 2021

    Started off liking black coffee. Kinda got old after a while, though.

    Nothing like a well made cappuccino.

    Hipsters and pretentious people be like “iT’s alL AbOuT ThE BeAnS BrO.”

    Give it a rest.

  • Oct 24, 2021

    Also Almond Milk gang wya

  • Oct 24, 2021

    Also Almond Milk gang wya

  • I’m not a child

  • 6isco 🦈
    Oct 26, 2021
    1 reply

    how many cups of coffee yall drink a day?

    I was deadass a one cup of coffee a day type of person but now im at 2-3 a day

  • Oct 26, 2021

    Made my own coldbrew before and it was a lot smoother and not anywhere as bitter

    S*** had me geeked for hours too didnt crash until like 4

  • Oct 26, 2021

    I recently started doin it (coffee drinker for awhile) and it wakes me up more

  • ghosting ®️
    Oct 26, 2021
    1 reply

    how many cups of coffee yall drink a day?

    I was deadass a one cup of coffee a day type of person but now im at 2-3 a day

    I try to keep it to 2-3 but I was drinking at least 3 for a min

  • ghosting ®️
    Oct 26, 2021

    im for sure a medium roast guy and I like it hot, the moment its starts getting to room temp or so it taste nasty to me

    facts, I need one of those heated mugs to keep it perf temp

  • Oct 26, 2021

    I just like the taste of black coffee. It's a taste preference. Especially if you buy good coffee beans and grind them yourself

    With a cappuccino though it's real milk all day though. I don't trust that fake s***

  • 6isco 🦈
    Oct 26, 2021
    1 reply

    I try to keep it to 2-3 but I was drinking at least 3 for a min

    how late into the day you drink your last one?

  • ghosting ®️
    Oct 26, 2021

    how late into the day you drink your last one?

    don't usually make coffee after work on weekdays so probably about 4-5 pm

  • Oct 26, 2021

    A cup of black coffee the morning after a night out is undefeated for me

  • switched from coffee with sugar to sweetened almond milk, to unsweetened almond milk. at that point it tastes 90% the same as black so most of the time i don’t bother with the almond milk

  • Oct 27, 2021

    There's a lot to coffee. If you pick the right beans, fresh, grind them yourself to the right size, add the right amount of water and apply the proper technique, you can taste all the notes your beans are supposed to have. So if you pick beans that suit your taste you should be able to drink it black.

    I only add milk when it's too hot. I like oat milk when I use a steamer though, it really adds some richness to the cup.