Also Almond Milk gang wya
Been getting almond milk in my coffee when I order it anywhere. Don’t even need to put sugar in it.
I don’t eat any dressing on my salads so u probably right
ion like much salad dressing either (at least the pre bottled ones)
much prefer oil/vinegar or something made fresh
Also Almond Milk gang wya
almond milk separates and tastes weird in hot coffee
my coworker who 54 saw my coffee and said "I didnt know I worked with a d***less man"
thats lowkey a nice comment coming from him, dont even wanna start with the wild s*** he be saying
just drink it
drinking some rn
its 3pm bro
Do you like beer
It's kinda like beer
Tastes like ass, but you'll get used to it
my coworker who 54 saw my coffee and said "I didnt know I worked with a d***less man"
LOL. Switch it up, have a black coffee in the am and one with some milk and sugar after a meal like a desert
I have a few pieces of advice I want to humbly share
1. if you feel like vomitiing, then do it.... the relief you get from it outweighs the fear the actual act.
2. Takes ulcer meds only if you absolutely have to.
3. Sleep on your left side with an extra pillow to keep your head elevated
and as far as mental health goes....
1. Sleep is your friend...even if you get sleep anxiety, turning off your racing thoughts for awhile by sleeping might be what your mind needs
2. Eating disorders are your worst as much as you need to but not too little or too much...concentrate on the taste rather than the portion
3. Take some time off screens and no, I'm talking about working or when youre having fun with friends....I'm talking bout in your own time...a movie is good and music is therapy but listening to the ''silence'' will bring out your inner thoughts and while that might be unpleasant you'll get in touch with your core
Sorry 4 TLDR
Ayo sorry, had to get back to work but wanted to acknowledge this - thank you for the knowledge! Def have taken the first 2 to heart and would be doing the third if I wasn’t a forced back sleeper bc of sleep apnea lol
Dude, the eating has been such a weird adjustment, but I think I’m getting there. I’m also def about to turn off the phone soon and meditate before bed per your last point.
Really appreciate your advice. Thank you, internet friend
once put milk in my coffee at the office this dude said ew look at g6 with his glass of c***
puts hairs on your chest
once put milk in my coffee at the office this dude said ew look at g6 with his glass of c***
Based coworker
Try iced
i like hot coffee way more
Who ever said to drink it when it's piping hot, thanks
Kinda enjoyed that burnt taste in my throat
once put milk in my coffee at the office this dude said ew look at g6 with his glass of c***
should've thrown that in his funny face