  • Jul 10, 2023

    Bruh why did you post this

  • Jul 10, 2023

    They are cringe but it’s like…I’m really just grateful I’m not on that s*** you feel me? Like some of us take for granted how lucky we are to be socially aware

  • Jul 10, 2023

    Be a real one and treat them like a human being

  • mishima 😈
    Jul 10, 2023
    1 reply

    Idk. I’m a pretty monotone, emotionally ambiguous guy myself so seeing people be so reactive can be amusing

  • Jul 10, 2023

    that's what getting no p**** does to a kid

  • Jul 10, 2023

    A guy fell at my workplace yesterday and I swear there was cloud of smoke that flew from his ass as he went down and created a human-sized hole in the ground.

    F***ing nerd

  • Jul 10, 2023

    Before work, I grab a cup of coffee with my coworker every day. Every single day, he will give this speech that goes something like: "Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it. Don't wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee" before finishing his first cup and ordering a second one to take with him to work.

    thats hard asf

  • Jul 10, 2023
    2 replies

    Hes doing that ironically. Look at every millennial tiktok/youtuber and youll see they goofy as hell trying to get them views up!

    Ironic or not he's the one actually doing that s***. It's pathetic, embarrassing, and shameful. Again, this is not our generation. This is yours. I'll admit that when we millennials do some embarrassing stuff I'll take the credit and denounce it, but this is definitely a zoomie thing. Leave us out of it.

  • Jul 10, 2023
    1 reply
    Mountain Dude
    · edited

    Ironic or not he's the one actually doing that s***. It's pathetic, embarrassing, and shameful. Again, this is not our generation. This is yours. I'll admit that when we millennials do some embarrassing stuff I'll take the credit and denounce it, but this is definitely a zoomie thing. Leave us out of it.

    No i wont let you bully us. Ill remind you daily that millenials ALSO do this!

  • Jul 10, 2023

    Kids have been doing this for forever

    In middle school everyone I knew ran like sonic or Naruto

  • Jul 10, 2023
    2 replies

    I wanted to agree with you but then i realized this just was a trend irl

    Danny brown actually makes them look good

    He said they suck ass though, uncomfortable af

  • Jul 10, 2023

    No i wont let you bully us. Ill remind you daily that millenials ALSO do this!

    This isn't bullying. It's fair game because millennials are just as embarrassing in different ways. @op is describing a purely zoomer thing that stems from social ineptitude and poor social skills. Millennials don't do this. We're all adults.

  • Jul 10, 2023

    he literally looks like a cartoon

  • Jul 10, 2023
    1 reply

    Danny brown actually makes them look good

    He said they suck ass though, uncomfortable af

    They look uncomfortable af lol

  • Jul 10, 2023

    They look uncomfortable af lol

    Agreed. Danny said they like rip into your shins or ankles or some s***

  • Jul 10, 2023
    1 reply

    What in the cringe is this? Not suprised it says tik tok in the top corner

  • Danny

    Before work, I grab a cup of coffee with my coworker every day. Every single day, he will give this speech that goes something like: "Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it. Don't wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee" before finishing his first cup and ordering a second one to take with him to work.

    real asf

  • Jul 10, 2023

    What in the cringe is this? Not suprised it says tik tok in the top corner

    Lmfao. He looks like that one Backstreet boy, Goofy from Warner Bros cartoons, and Andy from Toy Story all at the same time.

    Like he looks like a 3D animation, s*** is so cringe it's actually trippy.

  • Jul 10, 2023

    I knew an IRL anime guy. If you said something remotely surprising or fascinating, something where people would usually inquisitively retort “huh?” Or “what?”, he would gasp, throw his head back and exclaim “NANI?”. We’re talking about a raw c***here, he’s not Japanise. He’d also do the little anime girl gasp. I remember sitting down after we ordered burgers and he rubbed his hands excitedly and said some s*** like “at long last, time to eat”. A bit of a weirdo he was, but he was a good kid. Poor guy started balding at 17, you believe that?


  • Jul 10, 2023

    Kiryu from Yakuza teaches you how to be a real man.

  • Jul 10, 2023
    1 reply

    Danny brown actually makes them look good

    He said they suck ass though, uncomfortable af

    Balenciaga getting away with selling $3k boots that look and feel absolutely atrocious is why I lost hope in society a long time ago.

  • Jul 10, 2023
    1 reply
    Pusha P

    Balenciaga getting away with selling $3k boots that look and feel absolutely atrocious is why I lost hope in society a long time ago.

    I thought they were like 25 bucks on temu

  • Jul 10, 2023

  • Jul 10, 2023
    2 replies

    I thought they were like 25 bucks on temu

    Man I just looked it up and found out there was another glitch in the space time continuum.

    Apparenty Balenciaga never made it and it was never more than $500.

    But I know thats cap because when they first came out thats what ppl were saying they were and I even saw them on Stock X.

  • Jul 10, 2023
    1 reply

    was in montreal with a buddy around 2018 and we hit up this ramen spot (it was cheeks, thank god it closed down)

    there were these two dudes a few tables across from us who had ordered earlier. they seemed normal, until the server brought them their food and one of them screams "ITADAKIMASU" at her as loud as he possibly can.

    he then explained "itadakimasu is what men say to japanese women when food is brought for them, only the men are supposed to say it"

    hate weebs bro