  • Jul 11, 2023
    1 reply

    Most people like that are autistic. Literally.

  • Jul 11, 2023

    Nah they weren’t ever made by Balenci lol

    Bruh I at least remember looking them up on StockX n seeing them for like $2k at least.

  • Jul 11, 2023

    maaaan im outta here dawg

  • Jul 11, 2023

    I knew an IRL anime guy. If you said something remotely surprising or fascinating, something where people would usually inquisitively retort “huh?” Or “what?”, he would gasp, throw his head back and exclaim “NANI?”. We’re talking about a raw c***here, he’s not Japanise. He’d also do the little anime girl gasp. I remember sitting down after we ordered burgers and he rubbed his hands excitedly and said some s*** like “at long last, time to eat”. A bit of a weirdo he was, but he was a good kid. Poor guy started balding at 17, you believe that?

    Last sentence is perfect ending

  • Jul 11, 2023
    Pusha P

    Man I just looked it up and found out there was another glitch in the space time continuum.

    Apparenty Balenciaga never made it and it was never more than $500.

    But I know thats cap because when they first came out thats what ppl were saying they were and I even saw them on Stock X.

    Yeah balenciaga had nothing to do with those idk what you’re on lmao & stockx prices during initial hype don’t mean much tbh ppl can put whatever price and until a pair actually sells the resell value is still up in the air

  • Jul 11, 2023

    nigga what am i seeing

    Well, with one hand she’s popping popcorn with a curling iron. She’s also being hella animated it’s a good example of what Op is referring to

  • Jul 11, 2023
    FKA Tadow

    What in the f***?

    When she got a wow wow wubzy personality

  • Jul 11, 2023
    1 reply

    When the weird anime dude meets a weird anime girl

  • Jul 11, 2023

    Most people like that are autistic. Literally.

    What about people pretending to be autistic?

  • Jul 11, 2023

    Performance art tbh

  • Jul 11, 2023

    theyre probably really happy though

  • Jul 11, 2023

    The far more prevalent archetype is the person who spends all day on social media. This person, in the middle of a normal conversation, says things such as, "This is just like the meme with the two Spider-Men pointing at each other", or potentially, "It's giving...", or they may make an inscrutable TikTok (in years past, Vine) reference.

    If anyone says "serving c***" to me irl I might file a restraining order

  • Jul 12, 2023
    1 reply

    That used to be me.
    I would run in a super exaggerated way, mimicking the run cycles on Total Drama Island, and get the weirdest looks in gym class lmao

  • Jul 12, 2023

    One dude at work is very opinionated but I can tell all his opinions are just twitter takes he's seen.

    Doesn't annoy me though, if that's your point of reference of society then what you gonna do?

  • Jul 12, 2023
    Shady Ant

    That used to be me.
    I would run in a super exaggerated way, mimicking the run cycles on Total Drama Island, and get the weirdest looks in gym class lmao

  • Jul 12, 2023

    Whenever I panic outta somewhereI leave a plume of dust in my place and a me-shaped hole in the wall

  • Jul 14, 2023

  • Jul 14, 2023

    I wanted to agree with you but then i realized this just was a trend irl

    Cool pic

  • Jul 14, 2023

    When the weird anime dude meets a weird anime girl

    Jesus what a lucky man

  • Jul 14, 2023

    I knew an IRL anime guy. If you said something remotely surprising or fascinating, something where people would usually inquisitively retort “huh?” Or “what?”, he would gasp, throw his head back and exclaim “NANI?”. We’re talking about a raw c***here, he’s not Japanise. He’d also do the little anime girl gasp. I remember sitting down after we ordered burgers and he rubbed his hands excitedly and said some s*** like “at long last, time to eat”. A bit of a weirdo he was, but he was a good kid. Poor guy started balding at 17, you believe that?

    Bruh why did i read that last sentence like you are a character in a Martin Scorsese film doing a voice over

  • Man, life sxn been on some s*** lately