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  • Aug 12, 2022

    They used a cancerous liver cell line

  • Aug 12, 2022
    1 reply

    Have you taken high school biology @op

    The entire point of mRNA is that it is used as a transcript to produce DNA through the employment of ribosomes

    RNA cannot become DNA as theyre inherently made of different proteins (ribonucleic vs deoxynucleic), but RNA is crucial for the creation of DNA

  • Aug 12, 2022

    The only “pure bloods” are people with Moderna in their system

  • Aug 12, 2022

    OP’s next post will be “the vaccine increases the immune response to COVID.”

  • Aug 12, 2022
    1 reply

    That video is 25 minutes longs and the thread been up for less than 8 minutes

    no one is gonna watch a schizo-conspiracy video that's twenty five minutes

  • Aug 12, 2022

    SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the genome of human cells.

    Is this not basically the point of these vaccines. We have thousands of genes worth of old ass viruses that have been able to embed themselves in our genome, becoming harmless. Vaccines basically speed that process up

  • Pusha P

    Put it in layman's terms

  • Aug 12, 2022

    that reverse transcription sucks but i’m different

  • Aug 12, 2022
    cold mountain

    no one is gonna watch a schizo-conspiracy video that's twenty five minutes

    It’s not a conspiracy he’s breaking down the two scientific studies I posted.

  • Aug 12, 2022
    1 reply

    Human DNA contains approximately 100,000 pieces of DNA from viruses that our species have accumulated over millions of years of evolution.

  • Aug 12, 2022

    I have a bachelors degree in biology and genomics (not a lie) and we’ll be fine

  • Aug 12, 2022
    2 replies

  • Aug 12, 2022
    1 reply

    Have you taken high school biology @op

    The entire point of mRNA is that it is used as a transcript to produce DNA through the employment of ribosomes

    RNA cannot become DNA as theyre inherently made of different proteins (ribonucleic vs deoxynucleic), but RNA is crucial for the creation of DNA

    There’s an article saying exactly that happened

    There’s 3 articles saying what I posted happened.

  • Aug 12, 2022
    3 replies

    DNA is created by things in your cells called ribosomes attaching to something called RNA, which is basically the blueprint for your DNA

    The COVID vaccine uses mRNA science to edit your genes and make you immune to COVID by editing your mRNA through adding specific bits of the blueprint that allow for it to happen

  • Aug 12, 2022

    There’s an article saying exactly that happened

    There’s 3 articles saying what I posted happened.

    Why are we posting this then. It’s nothing special

  • Aug 12, 2022
    2 replies

    They found that the mRNA used for the new mRNA vaccines can be turned into dna in the liver. That dna has a gene for an auto immune response (which means the body attacks healthy cells). They’re trying to see:

    1. How long do these cell with vaccine dna stay alive?

    2. Is the gene expression causing harm or potential to cause harm?

    Keep in mind that is study was done in a controlled environment, so you most likely have nothing to worry about.

  • Aug 12, 2022
    1 reply

    They found that the mRNA used for the new mRNA vaccines can be turned into dna in the liver. That dna has a gene for an auto immune response (which means the body attacks healthy cells). They’re trying to see:

    1. How long do these cell with vaccine dna stay alive?

    2. Is the gene expression causing harm or potential to cause harm?

    Keep in mind that is study was done in a controlled environment, so you most likely have nothing to worry about.

    So why was this topic made in the 1st place?

  • Aug 12, 2022
    babylon sherm

    I'm a Moderna man so I can't relate

  • Aug 12, 2022

    op getting attacked like its 2013

  • Aug 12, 2022

    Pfizer boys keep losing

  • Aug 12, 2022
    1 reply

    So why was this topic made in the 1st place?

    Same reason anyone posts on here

    I read a thread about some dude who got killed by his onlyfans girlfriend but I can’t post about science?

  • Aug 12, 2022

    Same reason anyone posts on here

    I read a thread about some dude who got killed by his onlyfans girlfriend but I can’t post about science?

    Why not put a summary that mentions “modified liver cell in a Petri dish” in the op or in the title if the goal of the thread was to inform

  • Aug 12, 2022

    perma op

  • Aug 12, 2022

    DNA is created by things in your cells called ribosomes attaching to something called RNA, which is basically the blueprint for your DNA

    The COVID vaccine uses mRNA science to edit your genes and make you immune to COVID by editing your mRNA through adding specific bits of the blueprint that allow for it to happen

    Dna is made in the cell nucleus

  • Aug 12, 2022
    2 replies

    DNA is created by things in your cells called ribosomes attaching to something called RNA, which is basically the blueprint for your DNA

    The COVID vaccine uses mRNA science to edit your genes and make you immune to COVID by editing your mRNA through adding specific bits of the blueprint that allow for it to happen

    Bro literally all of this is wrong lmao. DNA is made through DNA polymerase which uses the already existing strand of DNA as a template. Ribosomes are used to make proteins from mRNA and have some other functions as well. mRNA vaccines also do not directly edit you genes. They are used to create proteins using you own cellular mechanisms to avoid any rejection of a template. The created proteins then elicit a immune response which changes the gene expression in your immune cells to produce the correct antibodies.

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