Maaan give it a rest on this. She was open about her addictions, and was going clean. Unfortunately, the path to to sobriety isn't easy, and relapsing happens with most who are battling their addictions.
Having your first thought be "We gotta stop glorifying d**** in our music" about an artist who wasn't on that wave, and was attempting rehabilitation, does nothing and is some d*** head s***.
Just offer condolences and keep it moving.
Empathy is not a skill that most KTT users have sadly enough
RIP to this beautiful soul
This is really crazy man, f***ed my whole night up. Been listening to her since her guest verse on Da$h’s “Highway 66” back in 2015, heard that s*** and was a fan ever since. RIP and condolences to her loved ones
Maaan give it a rest on this. She was open about her addictions, and was going clean. Unfortunately, the path to to sobriety isn't easy, and relapsing happens with most who are battling their addictions.
Having your first thought be "We gotta stop glorifying d**** in our music" about an artist who wasn't on that wave, and was attempting rehabilitation, does nothing and is some d*** head s***.
Just offer condolences and keep it moving.
I wasn’t referring to her. I don’t even know her. I said we as our culture I wasn’t referring to her.
This is really crazy man, f***ed my whole night up. Been listening to her since her guest verse on Da$h’s “Highway 66” back in 2015, heard that s*** and was a fan ever since. RIP and condolences to her loved ones
da$h lost yams mac and his ex in a 5 year span smh
da$h lost yams mac and his ex in a 5 year span smh
So much death man, can’t imagine what he’s going through mentally right now
this is fake right?
this is fake?
this hurts man.