To be fair I think Pitchfork rates albums based of the artists perceived potential
But also I never understood why y’all cared about pitchfork or that Fantano guy
Alphonse Pierre only likes regional hip hop when it's some half-asleep-sounding DMV rapper reading twitter drafts tier punchlines with the worst flow you've ever heard
f*** you for not putting the link @op
And it’s sad because people really shouldn’t need a reminder to just develop their own damn opinions
They’re not doing themselves any favors with some of their other scores but my hot take is Alphonse is right here and about the beef in general not being that interesting
Niggas don’t like (or get) the west coast and I’m fine with it
Finally something non biased
Guess it aint just bots he been buying
Kendrick should sue Pitchfork.
They’re not doing themselves any favors with some of their other scores but my hot take is Alphonse is right here and about the beef in general not being that interesting
the a***ysis of kendrick’s moral high ground being incredibly blurred was spot on
I've never heard of the reviewer but he's f***ing terrible.
I'm actually reading the review and it's a thinly veiled hitpiece
"Unlistenable is “reincarnated,” a homage to Tupac at his most paranoid and disoriented, where Kendrick writes from the perspective of old-time artistic influences. These writerly songs he’s prone to, like this one or TPAB’s “Mortal Man,” have always been more technically impressive than anything else. It doesn’t help that “reincarnated” also feels like it exists to spite Drake for making that AI Tupac song that I forgot ever existed."
What the actual f***? How can somebody be this clueless?
How is it bait when Im a Kendrick fan ,he has 4 classic albums
guess you changed since the beef cuz this is a lie otherwise
he even dissed me for being a kendrick fan lmao and had many threads of "experts" saying uhh actually kendrick lost his unanimous win
They’re not doing themselves any favors with some of their other scores but my hot take is Alphonse is right here and about the beef in general not being that interesting
And it kind of touches on my theory that Kendrick, Drake, Tyler, Kanye etc don’t make interesting music anymore bc they’re too rich and too old (and that Mr morale was one of the better albums any of them have released in recent years)
I've never heard of the reviewer but he's f***ing terrible.
I'm actually reading the review and it's a thinly veiled hitpiece
"Unlistenable is “reincarnated,” a homage to Tupac at his most paranoid and disoriented, where Kendrick writes from the perspective of old-time artistic influences. These writerly songs he’s prone to, like this one or TPAB’s “Mortal Man,” have always been more technically impressive than anything else. It doesn’t help that “reincarnated” also feels like it exists to spite Drake for making that AI Tupac song that I forgot ever existed."
What the actual f***? How can somebody be this clueless?
Was about to post this… WHAT