Such a dumb comparison imo. Dababy actually said something (even tho it was meant as a joke) that could be perceived as homophobic even with the full context. If u understand the way Kendrick was using this line (to illustrate regret for his ignorance as a kid and the hurt he may have caused his relative), i really don’t see why u would be upset unless ur just on some twitter b****ing s***
what dababy said was way worse if we use our brains for more than 1 second
Um.. I’m not devaluing anything. I just feel that this album should have gotten atleast an 8. Chill.
friend i made sure i put a question mark because i was asking, not telling. thank you for answering, i'm chillin
If dababy made that exact song would he get the same response
Not true if u mean he would’ve had the same outcome as the RL stream stuff
"he makes himself the main character in his queer relatives’ stories "
what did they mean by this
I’m weak lolol
Funny the BLACK reviewer gives Kendrick a 7.6 and his stans want to dismiss that for Kevin and Tanners reviews
the black reviewer did not give Kendrick a 7.6 but i see where you were going with this
Said it before and I’ll say it again, he needs to develop a serious heroin habit before recording any more music. This would be the best possible career move for him.
He would produce a deranged, dark, d***ged out experimental album that would be praised. He’d give grizzly accounts of life and the situations he gets into while being a fiend, and hustling pills on the side to fuel his addiction as people begin to distance themselves from him. Soon it would come out about his addiction and the media would be buzzing. Scandal after scandal would arise and he’d be the most talked about person in the world as he continues down this dark path of addiction and insanity. Then, he would get arrested for possession and do a stint in jail, adding credibility to the hard image he’s been trying to adopt for sometime. The #FreeKendrick movement would be like nothing we’ve ever seen before and it would spark an international conversation about how we treat addicts (rehabilitative vs punitive punishment.
Kendrick would get out, get clean, and become the face of the opiate epidemic sweeping North America, opening him up to even wider audiences and platforms. His first album after release would sell a million first week and be praised, as Kenny explores a whole new realm of lyrical content reflecting on his past degenerate behavior and becomes a symbol of hope for millions dealing with addiction. This would be great for his image, solidify him as one of the greatest rappers ever, and create worldwide change that benefits millions for years to come.
The best possible thing Kendrick could do for his career is to start doing as much dog food as possible, as soon as possible.
classic @Sinewave post
Funny the BLACK reviewer gives Kendrick a 7.6 and his stans want to dismiss that for Kevin and Tanners reviews
Pitchfork scores are done by committee
If dababy made that exact song would he get the same response
Before I say anything, I understand both sides of the argument when it comes to Kendrick using the word
However, it’s not like he decided to use those word without context, it goes with the whole theme of the song and DaBaby just isn’t the artist to make such a song so you can’t say that ( a lot of artists can’t either because they just don’t rap/sing about those topics)
Dammit he deleted his post
I don’t like the word, even in an image quoting a song. Didn’t feel right to keep it
I don’t like the word, even in an image quoting a song. Didn’t feel right to keep it
I understand
Serious question. Was there this level of outrage for Leonardo DiCaprio dropping the hard R all throughout DJango Unchained?
For him, the script writer, or anyone involved. It’s a valid question. And yea, people could still take the stance that he shouldn’t say it at all regardless of the reasoning or context.
Pretty good review honestly and I appreciate Pitchfork being willing to go against the grain after a long period of boring ass reviews
I feel like a lot of the reasons I love this album are why they don’t like it
The untidiness to me just makes the album feel so stream of consciousness and raw and I feel like that works so well with how personal the material is
totally agree with this.
I feel like they also missed that some of the records serve as actual deflection, which happens a lot in therapy.
ig one could view that as a cop out, but imo it explains some of the ‘meandering’ on records like Worldwide Steppers, Rich Spirit, and Silent Hill, on which he still managed to drop small hints of the revelations to come later on the album.
which again, mimics the act of therapy. (telling stories to a stranger, missing the point until the patterns finally hit you).
Serious question. Was there this level of outrage for Leonardo DiCaprio dropping the hard R all throughout DJango Unchained?
Yes, theres an entire chapter on the movie’s Wikipedia page about the controversies, the use of the word being a specific one. Jamie Foxx & Sam Jackson had to assure DiCaprio it was okay to say it because he was very uncomfortable.
That’s been a ongoing critique amongst people when it comes to Tarantino as well.