Album proves noone wants to actively engage social issues people just wanna be victims
Album proves noone wants to actively engage social issues people just wanna be victims
Kendrick proved himself he doesn't wanna engage in social issues by taking a step back and saying think for yourself lol
Yes, theres an entire chapter on the movie’s Wikipedia page about the controversies, the use of the word being a specific one. Jamie Foxx & Sam Jackson had to assure DiCaprio it was okay to say it because he was very uncomfortable.
That’s been a ongoing critique amongst people when it comes to Tarantino as well.
yeah people been on Tarantino ass for that lol very common critique on him.
For once Kendrick gets an unbias review and yall are in shambles 🤣🤣
Shambles? I don’t care about the 7.6. I’m just pointing out the facts
what situation does a p4k review get a positive response from KTT,
It’s always f*** P4K
This recent album had those goombahs from The Guardian news throwing out a 5/5 just TWO hours after the album came out. Like WTF
People who review that quickly are literally just reviewing based on his reputation rather than the actual music. Tbh it’s closer to P4K’s score than the 100 meta score it currently has if we keeping it 💯
This recent album had those goombahs from The Guardian news throwing out a 5/5 just TWO hours after the album came out. Like WTF
Assumed they got an early copy to review?
like you mfs just say critic bait but never elaborate on what that means
More thought put into the music
No making a playlist of “bangers”
That’s what they think it is. Mostly just a way for the Drake Stan’s here to justify Drake’s recent lazy approach to music
Glad y’all finally realizing how out of touch this publication.
Pitchfork is run a bunch of corny white hipsters and suburban blacks. The worst to be reviewing hip hop
Brian Eno doesn't know theory????
doubt it he was making art I think?, before getting involved completely in music, his own early music & involvements on bowies albums are him riffing his style
doubt it he was making art I think?, before getting involved completely in music, his own early music & involvements on bowies albums are him riffing his style
Wow you're right now thet I'm looking into it - you learn something new every day
Wow you're right now thet I'm looking into it - you learn something new every day
there’s a interesting doc on his early career, if you’re into that type of stuff
Personally think the score is at least a little too low.
Like if they gave it a 8, I’d agree more, but these specific ass decimal place scores are kinda dumb, even if it’s just an average of everyone’s rating of the album
Album proves noone wants to actively engage social issues people just wanna be victims
This album has no politics to engage social issues. It's self help in the time of a failed politic. You cannot remedy social issues on a personal level. Emphasis on "social" and "personal" if you didn't get that.
The organized religion Kendrick turns his back on is closer to a social/political entity than the political quietism, the social libertarianism he retreats to on a familial level. That's regardless of the correct morality.
People are victimized. The album makes that clear. He's addressing trauma, not preventing it. This is therapy not social change. Best case scenario it's detaching people from the stagnating existing order and readying them for something different, centered on the humanity and love here.
Albums a strong 7.5
The other reviewers shouldve given gkmc those perfct scores.
Saying "strong" and "light." Ok fantano stan. Holy cringe.
why you so mad damn