word, and the people they pander to aren’t even probably checking them out which is the funny part lmao
pitchfork wanna appear a cool woke indie kinda music publication but they the establishment themselves so it’s inauthentic as it is
I been mad at pitchfork ever since they purposely excluded Redbone from the top songs of the decade list
Its crazy how i legitimately dont know 90% or more of the songs listed and the ones i know are pretty much s*** lmao
9 of the top 10 are by a female or lgbtq artist. inclusion and diversity is important but forcing an agenda is bad.
9 of the top 10 are by a female or lgbtq artist. inclusion and diversity is important but forcing an agenda is bad.
And last week he was saying even worse stuff on his Discord server. 🙄 Everyone else always feels bad when they hurt ppl with derogatory comments and apologize which is fine. He basically goes "it's your fault I'm this way", so f*** him.
I don't want him to say he "loves the Jews" either. That was a pretty weird thing to say after calling a bunch of prominent historical Jewish figures "morons"/"frauds"/"liars"/etc with conspiracy theories out the ass..
this prolly makes me a wack ktt og but I was never with the brockbrompton hype like that tbh
I f***in love bh
Solid list tbh. Hate the club, Rico on here too. The Box is too low but accurate number one
I f***in love bh
to me they were always like Odd Future but more pop and less unique that one feature on the Blood Orange mixtape was tight though
franchise is mid af why would it be on here?
Why is WAP at #1? Why is Savage Remix #4? There's a whole lotta mid strewn about the list, why wouldn't Franchise make it?
Everything listed after Forever, I'm just like "wow, this s*** is supposed to be better than Forever? "