Absolute classic. Reminds me I need to play the remastered one on PS Plus
Mine was this classic
First? I think it was Tekken 1... And then Tekken 2, Tekken 3, GTA, GTA 2, Pandemonium, Spyro The Dragon, Crash Bandicoot (I think all 3 of them), Crash Team Racing and I believe some other games too... But yeah the PS1 era was very good!
Well that's if you mean only PS1 games... If PS2 and PS3 as well including PSP then let me know famo
Got it as a gift from my grandma when I was 5. Once she seen what we were playing she returned it for Spyro Riptos Rage lol
Might have been some multiplayer crash bandicoot game on ps1 or some driving sim game idk
First? I think it was Tekken 1... And then Tekken 2, Tekken 3, GTA, GTA 2, Pandemonium, Spyro The Dragon, Crash Bandicoot (I think all 3 of them), Crash Team Racing and I believe some other games too... But yeah the PS1 era was very good!
Well that's if you mean only PS1 games... If PS2 and PS3 as well including PSP then let me know famo
You had a dope childhood and a good memory
My parents couldn't afford a playstation so I was playing the sega mega drive until probably closer to the end of the ps1 life cycle and that's when my parents got me a PS1 with Tekken 3 bundle I used to spend hours scrolling through the hand book reading about each character. Miss those days
Yeah hit me with the rest of your console game breakdown...would be a good thread to see what consoles people had until now
the first console I ever owned was a ps1. the first two games were
also ...damn 28 years ago....i feel old af rn. feels like yesterday I was picking up metal gear solid with a dualshock controller. or falling in love with weird amazing games like brace fencer musashi. dancing my ass of in bust a groove....games really dont hit the same as they did during the dawn of 3d home console gaming. i feel like the limitations inspired creative solutions, instead of now we can just throw pretty graphics and polish a turd for sales ignoring why games are fun....the creativty in interaction.
this was the first game i played on a ps2 since i didnt get any ps2 games until a few weeks after it's launch
I got a PS1 when the 2 was already out but I didn't even care bout the 2 cause this was so heat
How did I forget this....when you get the golden car from the stadium
Driver 1 also a classic. Doing the first mission with different manoeuvres in the car park was hard af