PlayStation: "You're welcome"
More like
MLB: “You’re welcome.”
Sony would’ve never done this if MLB didn’t tell them to do so if they wanted to keep using the MLB license.
Isn’t it coming to Switch too?
Finna cop on the Switch
Doesn’t seem like it’s coming this year.
More like
MLB: “You’re welcome.”
Sony would’ve never done this if MLB didn’t tell them to do so if they wanted to keep using the MLB license.
Without Sony this game wouldn't exist.
Without Sony this game wouldn't exist.
True but without the MLB this wouldn’t be news. Just another MLB The Show on PlayStation.
2K Sports also says “you’re welcome.”
True but without the MLB this wouldn’t be news. Just another MLB The Show on PlayStation.
2K Sports also says “you’re welcome.”
2K Sports should be ashamed of themselves
Literally had the MLB license and stopped MVP Baseball from whooping their asses into the grave earlier.
2K Sports should be ashamed of themselves
Literally had the MLB license and stopped MVP Baseball from whooping their asses into the grave earlier.
2K sabotaged EA and allowed for The Show to shine. MVP Baseball was the only baseball game being talked about. MLB series was an afterthought when 989 Sports was doing that s*** for Sony. It was all Triple Play/MVP Baseball.
PlayStation: "You're welcome"
Nah this is MLB’s doing. If it were up to Sony this would be PlayStation only still.
Only reason I bought a PS4 a few years ago was because The Show was an exclusive
Only reason I bought a PS4 a few years ago was because The Show was an exclusive
Sony games on Gamepass day one