New expansion out now! Space-Time Smackdown with over 200 new cards!
New expansion out now! Over 80 new cards!
New expansion out now! Space-Time Smackdown with over 200 new cards!
New expansion out now! Over 80 new cards!
How much does a pack cost?
How much does a pack cost?
idk i'm a free player but they give you one for free every 12 hours or so. i got a ton of free ones when i first started too. also you can subscribe to their premium version for free for two weeks, but just cancel it right when you sub and it will let you use it until then
idk i'm a free player but they give you one for free every 12 hours or so. i got a ton of free ones when i first started too. also you can subscribe to their premium version for free for two weeks, but just cancel it right when you sub and it will let you use it until then
ok cool thanks,
I'll def check it out
How much does a pack cost?
I’ve been playing for a couple days. You can skip the 12h wait to open a new pack without paying anything by leveling up, I get xp from battles (solo challenges and multiplayer, but multiplayer is less xp) and items from missions.
I think I’ve opened like 60 packs without paying a dime, but I’ve completed all 4 difficulties of the solo challenges… so no way to earn xp and items from that anymore, hopefully they keep adding challenges
You only get 15xp from multiplayer so you’re gonna level slowly that way, but it’s fun to play others online sometimes they’re harder than even the expert ai
I’ve been playing for a couple days. You can skip the 12h wait to open a new pack without paying anything by leveling up, I get xp from battles (solo challenges and multiplayer, but multiplayer is less xp) and items from missions.
I think I’ve opened like 60 packs without paying a dime, but I’ve completed all 4 difficulties of the solo challenges… so no way to earn xp and items from that anymore, hopefully they keep adding challenges
You only get 15xp from multiplayer so you’re gonna level slowly that way, but it’s fun to play others online sometimes they’re harder than even the expert ai
ohh ok, I'll dive in tonight and report back haha
Played a couple days before launch and pulled all mewtwo cards first account. Crown, immersive art, full art, ex, and basic. I was given these powers sorry to anybody coming across me online.
few understand
I’ve been playing for a couple days. You can skip the 12h wait to open a new pack without paying anything by leveling up, I get xp from battles (solo challenges and multiplayer, but multiplayer is less xp) and items from missions.
I think I’ve opened like 60 packs without paying a dime, but I’ve completed all 4 difficulties of the solo challenges… so no way to earn xp and items from that anymore, hopefully they keep adding challenges
You only get 15xp from multiplayer so you’re gonna level slowly that way, but it’s fun to play others online sometimes they’re harder than even the expert ai
did you complete all goals for the expert solo battles? having to battle that venusaur deck with a strictly fighting style deck is hard af cause i don't have any crazy fighting style cards yet
did you complete all goals for the expert solo battles? having to battle that venusaur deck with a strictly fighting style deck is hard af cause i don't have any crazy fighting style cards yet
Man that exeggcutor ex is so fking bs lol. Keep trying with marowak ex and flip 2 heads for the sure kill is what I'd do
Nintendo already drying the economy lol
Raised shop prices by 50% two days after launch, exp grind slow as s***, thanks limit is 5 daily
Nintendo already drying the economy lol
Raised shop prices by 50% two days after launch, exp grind slow as s***, thanks limit is 5 daily
Nintendo already drying the economy lol
Raised shop prices by 50% two days after launch, exp grind slow as s***, thanks limit is 5 daily
I'm interested in it. There used to be a version of the Pokemon TCG you could play on desktop I wanna say around the mid 2010s, but I'm guessing they got rid of it. This might be the new version of it, with a whole bunch of monetization bullshit in it now. Still, if I'm able to enjoy casually without spending much or any money, I'll check it out sometime.
I'm interested in it. There used to be a version of the Pokemon TCG you could play on desktop I wanna say around the mid 2010s, but I'm guessing they got rid of it. This might be the new version of it, with a whole bunch of monetization bullshit in it now. Still, if I'm able to enjoy casually without spending much or any money, I'll check it out sometime.
There is nothing you can get through the monetization aspect that you can’t get just by playing, there’s even text that says this in the shop. Spending money on this would be a huge waste.