These actually make Decidueye, Primarina, and incineroar(Gen 7 starters) look like master pieces. I think cinderace may be the most laziest final evolution design of all time for any RPG game
Cinderace looks like extremely early fanart based on a loose description of Scorbunny, wow lmao. I was never excited about the line but I'm still disappointed.
Cinderace looks like extremely early fanart based on a loose description of Scorbunny, wow lmao. I was never excited about the line but I'm still disappointed.
It's just a taller Scorbunny with pants on 🤦🏾♂️ it's so much better looking fan art of scorbunny final evo
It's just a taller Scorbunny with pants on 🤦🏾♂️ it's so much better looking fan art of scorbunny final evo
How do you feel about the other leaked mons? Idk how I feel about the new Meowth forms.
Bro f*** gigantamax lol I've been waiting for my boy Kingler to get something and it's wasted on a gimmick that they'll get rid of soon anyway. Plus bringing back the og Pikachu design only for a cashgrab side gimmick, of the gimmick.
That's the first thing I said when I saw it, I was like why can't this be a third stage it's so f***ing cool
I hate the starter evo's but damn everything else looks amazing i'm pretty happy w it all so far. 90% gonna box the starter tho unfortunately
These actually make Decidueye, Primarina, and incineroar(Gen 7 starters) look like master pieces. I think cinderace may be the most laziest final evolution design of all time for any RPG game
Decidueye is the best grass pokemon though?
Decidueye is the best grass pokemon though?
No lmao Decidueye is awful. It might just be the 2nd worst starter next to meganium.
That's the first thing I said when I saw it, I was like why can't this be a third stage it's so f***ing cool
A small part of me hopes that these will be retconned into more permanent, regular sized forms in the future, but we’re most likely screwed.
No lmao Decidueye is awful. It might just be the 2nd worst starter next to meganium.
What? Decidueye had one of the best movesets Ive seen for a grass pokemon.
Rank your grass pokemon starters (they almost always suck btw)
Decidueye is the best grass pokemon though?
Love Rowlet and Dartrix but nah. It’s a bit clunky. Looks better in the anime though.
How do you feel about the other leaked mons? Idk how I feel about the new Meowth forms.
It's a whole lot of GEN 1 sucking going on. I honestly don't know how to feel about it either apparently the evolution is the Galarian version of it's evo
What? Decidueye had one of the best movesets Ive seen for a grass pokemon.
Rank your grass pokemon starters (they almost always suck btw)
Man wtf game was you playing Decidueye moveset is ass bruh. It's a slow mix attacker who two Strongest moves is detrimental to it. It's no where near better than Venusaur, Gen Six Sceptile, Torterra, or even Chestnaught. Its hidden ability is even garbage too. Its the 2nd worst grass starter.
Grass starters don't suck..... It's always the Fire starter that sucks. It's legit only two good fire starters(Infernape and Blaziken) Three if you count mega Charizard. Venusaur has been a power house in competitive for 10 years since Gen IV.
I still think Intelleon looks better than the other 2. Cinderace looks bland and Grookey final Evo looks like a fake Dragon Ball Z character. All three looks awful. Bottom 2 worst designs.