Pokemon Legends Z-A coming 2025
Gen 9 Games:
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Gen 9 Starters:
Sprigatito - Grass Type - The capricious, attention-seeking Grass Cat Pokémon
Fuecoco - Fire Type - The laid-back Fire Croc Pokémon that does things at its own pace.
Quaxly - Water Type - The earnest and tidy Duckling Pokémon.
Gen 8 games:
Legends Arcues Starters:
Current Starters:
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Exclusives:
Previous Main series games:
Anyone play the mobile game? Masters I think it’s called? Need a decent mobile game to play while at work. I do security so I’m on my phone majority of the shift, is it something I can play for 6 and a half hours a day?
Anyone play the mobile game? Masters I think it’s called? Need a decent mobile game to play while at work. I do security so I’m on my phone majority of the shift, is it something I can play for 6 and a half hours a day?
It's alright. From what I hear its to monetization heavy.
In, 1st page
So stoked on the wild area. Gonna actually make me turn the game on multiple times a day to see what the weather be doing and what kind of Pokémon are out there.
My girlfriend so happy to watch me play the same exact game I've played for 20 years but with slightly more pokemon
it's crazy how close we are and still no starter evos. At this point im debating whether or not i should just go in blind and try to avoid them if/when they get revealed since we're so close to release. As of right now i'm going for Grookey bc I feel like his evo's gonna be a gorilla and I feel like it'd be more fun to just find out in game whether or not I made a huge mistake
it's crazy how close we are and still no starter evos. At this point im debating whether or not i should just go in blind and try to avoid them if/when they get revealed since we're so close to release. As of right now i'm going for Grookey bc I feel like his evo's gonna be a gorilla and I feel like it'd be more fun to just find out in game whether or not I made a huge mistake
Have been debating whether to abstain from all leaks/news and completing ruining this game for myself lol
Still don't know which one to cop
Look at the exclusive Pokemon list.... Actually I'm going to add it to the OP when I get home some people can see.
Cannooooot f***ing wait. I'm leaning towards Sword but only cos a dog with a sword is some bad-ass s*** lol
Shield looking like the one, I'm tryna see the next evos for the starters
We're not going to see them unless a leak happen