Yo do you f*** with Emerald Rogue? I picked it up during a run of Unbound and never looked back lol
I dont remember what your opinion was on Battle Facilities but this scratched that itch for me. Had to pass along the recommendation
Emerald rogue was fun but didn't even keep my attention the same way pokerogue could
Have you tried the hack odyssey? Most similar to unbound out currently imo. I haven't picked it up in multiple updates though
almost finished my Living National Dex
All I'm missing are the Sword/Shield DLC Pokemon, Zacian and Zarude
cmon fam, why a cartoon got me like this
thanks for breaking my heart on a tuesday afternoon
RIP rachael
Emerald rogue was fun but didn't even keep my attention the same way pokerogue could
Have you tried the hack odyssey? Most similar to unbound out currently imo. I haven't picked it up in multiple updates though
Definitely a taste thing cause PokeRogue was faster paced and battle focused which i get the appeal of. Emerald Rogue gives me the vibes of those Gen 3 battle facilities which I been missing for years.
I haven’t but i’ll definitely put it on my list. It looks interesting. Unbound the standard for me atm.
Definitely a taste thing cause PokeRogue was faster paced and battle focused which i get the appeal of. Emerald Rogue gives me the vibes of those Gen 3 battle facilities which I been missing for years.
I haven’t but i’ll definitely put it on my list. It looks interesting. Unbound the standard for me atm.
Yeah unbound is just god tier. I haven't played any fully original hacks that are close to it at all
Been really liking radical red lately, and QoL hacks like polished crystal are cool too, but unbound is just on its own. Emerald cross was a ton of fun for me, but it's just emerald with qol updates and settings to make it a full nuzlocke
Odyssey felt close to unbound but I didn't play a ton of it yet. I think some others are starting to release too
Yeah unbound is just god tier. I haven't played any fully original hacks that are close to it at all
Been really liking radical red lately, and QoL hacks like polished crystal are cool too, but unbound is just on its own. Emerald cross was a ton of fun for me, but it's just emerald with qol updates and settings to make it a full nuzlocke
Odyssey felt close to unbound but I didn't play a ton of it yet. I think some others are starting to release too
About a decade ago there was a hack called Flora Sky that felt like it was headed in the direction Unbound eventually claimed. The custom maps were beautiful and i think it was one of the first hacks to integrate the day/night cycle onto the gba format. I dont think it ever made the QoL leaps that later hacks like Unbound did but i always felt like it was an influence
I just recently got into Radical Red and had to put it down lmao. Great fun but i had too much going on irl and in other games to really invest time into it. That game is war lmao.
I havent been tapped in to the romhacking community for a while so im sure i gotta catch up on some gems that ive missed.
About a decade ago there was a hack called Flora Sky that felt like it was headed in the direction Unbound eventually claimed. The custom maps were beautiful and i think it was one of the first hacks to integrate the day/night cycle onto the gba format. I dont think it ever made the QoL leaps that later hacks like Unbound did but i always felt like it was an influence
I just recently got into Radical Red and had to put it down lmao. Great fun but i had too much going on irl and in other games to really invest time into it. That game is war lmao.
I havent been tapped in to the romhacking community for a while so im sure i gotta catch up on some gems that ive missed.
haha yeah I did take a break on RR cause I bought arceus finally
I also thought insurgence and some others looked good but I cant even find my old note. Gaia Ive heard is good too
Doubt it. It'll be the sane s***. Legends might be just a little more interesting
Nah that's what's going around. They're doing this game's roll out cycle different. They're not showing anything until they're comfortable showing it.
About a decade ago there was a hack called Flora Sky that felt like it was headed in the direction Unbound eventually claimed. The custom maps were beautiful and i think it was one of the first hacks to integrate the day/night cycle onto the gba format. I dont think it ever made the QoL leaps that later hacks like Unbound did but i always felt like it was an influence
I just recently got into Radical Red and had to put it down lmao. Great fun but i had too much going on irl and in other games to really invest time into it. That game is war lmao.
I havent been tapped in to the romhacking community for a while so im sure i gotta catch up on some gems that ive missed.
If you need some ROM hacks that have QOL changes to make the game better and a bit more challenging but aren't hell, look into TheSmithPlays QOL improvements of Pokemon Yellow legecy, Crystal legecy, and soon Emerald legecy.
3 mons left to complete my national living dex for the first time in my life
3 mons left to complete my national living dex for the first time in my life
do u already have zarude in go? if not ur s*** out of luck cuz it was a paid limited event
only other option is trading (unless u want u OT on it)
do u already have zarude in go? if not ur s*** out of luck cuz it was a paid limited event
only other option is trading (unless u want u OT on it)
yesterday I exported zarude from pokemon go and traded it to my main account so I can use it in sword/shield
I had one from the first pokemon go event in 2021
I wish it didn't have this pokemon go symbol in pokemon home. This mon and meltan have the symbol in my living dex
I started another new game in Shield just to get Regidrago and another Zamazenta to trade for Zacian.
I went straight to the DLCs and caught a level 70 suicune to beat the rest if the game much quicker
do u already have zarude in go? if not ur s*** out of luck cuz it was a paid limited event
only other option is trading (unless u want u OT on it)
lets not forget you can get a hacked mon that looks 100% legit
It's over
it's finally over
I started playing pokemon on my 6th birthday in 2002 when I received Pokemon Silver from my grandparents. I never thought I would do this.
For the first time in my life I completed the national pokedex and did it with a complete living dex
This is the present in pokemon home. I put another 8-9 hours into Pokemon Shield just to catch another Zamazenta to trade for Zacian. Then I caught my final pokemon: Regidrago
this is unreal
Playing Platinum and I gotta wait until National Dex to get a f***ing Ditto??
My tradition of getting all the Eeveelutions is ruined
where can I read about the trading card game coming?
Should I be keeping those pokemon TCG card things that come with all my cards now?
where can I read about the trading card game coming?
Should I be keeping those pokemon TCG card things that come with all my cards now?
Are you talking about that mobile game?
If so, no, this game is going to be like how Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel is and you have to buy packs in the game. They'll have the OG card styles and the new card styles.
Are you talking about that mobile game?
If so, no, this game is going to be like how Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel is and you have to buy packs in the game. They'll have the OG card styles and the new card styles.
In app packs? That sucks I have like 100 of the digital card things for the current tcg app I was hoping itd work on both
It's over
it's finally over
I started playing pokemon on my 6th birthday in 2002 when I received Pokemon Silver from my grandparents. I never thought I would do this.
For the first time in my life I completed the national pokedex and did it with a complete living dex
This is the present in pokemon home. I put another 8-9 hours into Pokemon Shield just to catch another Zamazenta to trade for Zacian. Then I caught my final pokemon: Regidrago
this is unreal
Pokémon Master @PushaToThe
Yeah we might don't see anything on this game until January.
I tried to tell you fam lol
I tried to tell you fam lol
Yeah you was right.
I did say a few months back that it's being reported that TPCi is doing things a bit different. They're keeping this game under wraps. They're not even doing translations as early as they usually would. So all the Chinese leakers are so out of the loop and it's hilarious.