Ok they got the builds for ORAS working and apparently it's just the final build but a specialty made one.
It makes sense because ORAS technically never was suppose to be made and it only had a 12 month dev cycle. So it's not a lot of cut content. The 3DS game everyone wants is X and Y. Especially since Greninja was mentioned in Black and white's early JP name file.
Greninja was originally a Gen 5 Pokémon WHATTTT
Yeah the Latias/Blaziken fusion lol. It's been confirmed that was suppose to delibird's Evo lol
I'm glad it wasn't
Any lore available for this guy? We were robbed. Probably some crazy Sinjoh/Arceus setup
they got ORAS to work, beta leaks incoming
Guess I only saw the flying sprite
Yeah the Latias/Blaziken fusion lol. It's been confirmed that was suppose to delibird's Evo lol
apparently that’s a mistranslation?
Any lore available for this guy? We were robbed. Probably some crazy Sinjoh/Arceus setup
Gen 3 mon is all we know
they got ORAS to work, beta leaks incoming
It's nothing in there. It's the final build it's not a beta build.
More beta stuff for HGSS is coming out now. Beta PokeGear, Beta player character mom, original Silver sprite, and more
More beta stuff for HGSS is coming out now. Beta PokeGear, Beta player character mom, original Silver sprite, and more
Future romhack of OG HGSS is gonna be glorious
y’all think we past all the juicy stuff?
We’re like 30 or 50 gbs in on this. There’s a whole terabyte lol
Gen 3 romhack with all the OG designs is gonna be so cool
That rabbit in the floaty replacing mudkip
Gen 3 romhack with all the OG designs is gonna be so cool
That rabbit in the floaty replacing mudkip
Actually playing with that Blaziken/Latias thing is a dream come true
y’all think we past all the juicy stuff?
nah a lot more to come, and a lot that they are supposedly "witholding" so lets see
the typloshion and slakoth line lore is F***ING UNREAL
i really really need to know why this was written
Uhhhh it's seems like the only reason why Ash left the anime was because Ash VA and Pikachu VA don't like each other. Instead of replacing one of them just said ended it.
It's so much drama behind the scenes lmao I just know Game Freak is embarrassed lol
y’all think we past all the juicy stuff?
Nope. Not even 1/5th through the teraleak.