I get what the stats say and all that but to me it doesn’t feel any hotter than any other summer tbh
many states are not used to a consistent heat wave they are experiencing
the irony about @op is that all of this s*** is political.
But I've also said a million times, this decade aint ending without an armed revolt on land, the rich been getting away with so much s*** for way too long.
We should've been banned private jets by now. We shoulda been banned yachts by now. All these luxury items that don't provide legit any benefits but "a few hours of instant gratification" shoulda been banned by now. But that goes into lobbying by the rich.
Which goes into the ultimate fact that no matter who's in charge, Earth is getting f***ed. F*** a project 2025, pigs in Utica killed a 13 year old boy I'm thinking about project 2024 right now.
Millennials along with gen z and alpha have to realize that yes, we are currently in one of those critical times that our grandparents and great grandparents talked about living through.
Yes. This is the time to create legitimate community and communes with the purpose of preservation and efforts for a better tomorrow and getting over your individualistic and self-indulged mindset (trademarked by America's "dream" that dont exist, ask them tech niggas how well that's going for them rn) disguised as "self care" and "spiritual mumbo jumbo" that you dont even believe in cause IRL you are still about the bullshit.
Yes. This is the time to actually get strong in the gym. Hell, you might even have to learn how to shoot a gun crodie.
It's easy to just grieve in the bed over your own (self-perceived cause that s*** aint really real) shortcomings but live for something bigger than yourself is hard.
s***'s been getting real for decades if you a minority. Now the majority is feeling it, time to put up or shut up tbh.
RT @americana
Need to make one of these for politicians
we hear this every year. maldives supposed to be underwater but still has a multi billion dollar real estate market. which is growing btw. also:
yeah honestly just kys
i’m tired of people being this dumb idc anymore
I hate it here, man.
https://twitter.com/abc15/status/1809346802123988998Besides the heat AZ the best place in America
Don’t you prefer Trump as a president? This decision alone could potentially lead to millions of future deaths
What does this mean
we hear this every year. maldives supposed to be underwater but still has a multi billion dollar real estate market. which is growing btw. also:
The Maldives has a growing market because of idiots like you
Move to the Midwest
It’s the future
My house in Ohio looking nice when average temperatures increase
Don't even really snow anymore here lol
we hear this every year. maldives supposed to be underwater but still has a multi billion dollar real estate market. which is growing btw. also:
You gotta be one of the worst trolls in here.
Like ya ain’t even good at it.
I agree with all of this, but my ?uestion is this
if a select number of those companies are essentially what keeps cars going, let's say they stop right now, like just ceased production immediately
how many regular living citizens in non-walking friendly landscapes would be severely inconvenienced?
(And I HATE cars too as much as the next person I usually walk, but I'm also privileged to live in NYC so I'm legit asking a question)
We can’t solve problems without solutions
I'm in LA and summer last year and this year so far has been pretty normal fortunately. Sucks what's going on everywhere else tho it looks like hell.
I don’t know how much longer Houston will be a city
I got fam in Houston and they still have no power rn. This is the second time it's happened this year.
did y'all know that in 1996, a hurricane formed over Lake Huron, the first and only time a hurricane ever formed over a freshwater body? expect more of that as those lakes get hotter and hotter every year.