  • Marble

    Oh wait he’s a socialist, makes sense

  • not surprising honestly

    kill this motherfucker

  • Feb 11
    4 replies

    Alot of these streamers be freaky and hard drives of shame and y'all damn well.know it

    You really think Hasan and destiny watching normal p*** ? Gtfoh

  • Feb 11
    3 replies

    He’s almost as bad as hasan

  • Feb 11
    1 reply

    Man had his ID scanned in next to his loli horse p*** folder

  • Lisa

    He’s almost as bad as hasan

    In what metric

  • Feb 11
    1 reply

    He’s almost as bad as hasan

    I don't watch him anymore, thought reacting to Fox News all day boring and low effort but what has he done? Has it been anything bad recently

  • Pretends to be shocked

  • Nayuta 🧴
    Feb 11
    rich scouser

    Alot of these streamers be freaky and hard drives of shame and y'all damn well.know it

    You really think Hasan and destiny watching normal p*** ? Gtfoh

    Destiny a bisexual cuckold he get his freak offs different

  • st mis

    yeah this man ed

  • Projecteur

    CIA asset turns out to be a pedo. Imagine my shock.

  • Feb 11

    I pray for the destruction of this so called "man"

  • Feb 11
    2 replies

    Oh wait he’s a socialist, makes sense

    Pretty sure he calls himself an anarchist

  • some ppl just got the look and live up to it

  • after reading this thread i think i need one of these

  • Feb 11
    1 reply

    Testing your intellectual tenacity by arguing passionately for the societal moral consistency of child p*** consumption is so lame. People say these streamers are great spokespeople to bring people to left wing ideas but this s*** is just absolutely deranged material to anyone normal.
    People seem to (validly tbh) paint hasan destiny and vaush with the same brush but I swear hasan isn’t this level of ‘intellectual debate titan’ deranged. And from what I see of destiny he’s pretty much just an edgy a****** liberal guy

    Also the validity or merit of any of vaush’s CP arguments gotta go out the window knowing he legit posses drawings of children having s***with animals right?

  • Nort

    cia asset

    Breadtubers are all CIA assets, whether they realize it or not.

  • Feb 11
    1 reply

    You gotta be a sick freak to save p*** pictures to your pc

  • Feb 11
    1 reply

    Oh wait he’s a socialist, makes sense

    pretty sure pedos are far more commonly right wing

  • Feb 11
    4 replies

    Man had his ID scanned in next to his loli horse p*** folder

    How can people even tell what the pictures are? It’s so blurry

  • Feb 11
    1 reply

    pretty sure pedos are far more commonly right wing

    Im pretty sure extremists from both sides of the political spectrum are weirdo’s

  • Feb 11
    4 replies

    Im pretty sure extremists from both sides of the political spectrum are weirdo’s

    So then why’d u ask what his political affiliation was lmao

  • Feb 11
    5 replies

    So then why’d u ask what his political affiliation was lmao

    well because the e-commies on this site like to act like their side doesn’t do anything wrong

  • Feb 11
    1 reply

    this is kink shaming

  • Feb 11
    1 reply

    Politricks, man. A brainrot for the mind.