  • Feb 11

    Pretty sure he calls himself an anarchist

    In reality he's neither

  • Niggamortis 👨‍🚀
    Feb 11

    This is the pedophile that believes an adult and child can have a positive sexual relationship.

  • Takoma wept

  • Bro how is this is news he’s been upfront about drawing this type of p*** for like half a decade

  • Feb 11
    1 reply

    Oh wait he’s a socialist, makes sense

    What point are you trying to make ? Also he’s not even a socialist he’s a anarcho bidenist

  • Rejuvenated

    So then why’d u ask what his political affiliation was lmao

    Yeah that was such a weird comment

  • Marble

    Oh wait he’s a socialist, makes sense

  • Feb 11

    Oh wait he’s a socialist, makes sense

  • YoungNastyShawty

    Don’t know bruh but crazy compilation

    oh my lord

  • sace

    Politricks, man. A brainrot for the mind.

  • Feb 11
    1 reply
    st mis

    well because the e-commies on this site like to act like their side doesn’t do anything wrong

    No commie on this site f***s with breadtubers.

  • move to streaming section

  • Feb 11
    2 replies

    from the account op link, and as well making a thread about vaush everyone in here including me deserves to be shot for checking in the thread

  • We talk about how weird it is for people to look at this type of p***...but like...there's actual people that know how to draw drawing this s***, lol.

  • Feb 11

    So then why’d u ask what his political affiliation was lmao

    bro dipped after you asked that question

  • Feb 11
    1 reply

    Tired of ppl calling it something other than what it really is. CP. he should be investigated

  • Feb 11
    3 replies

    Does anyone remember when tyt had a segment called whose cameltoe is it ? And Hasan having a manosphere blog? Every internet politicker has some sexual blackmail that can be used against them, vaush is just getting caught now because he’s so outwardly neuro divergent and it’s also fashionable for anyone on the left to s*** on Biden

  • S7vw7n777

    Does anyone remember when tyt had a segment called whose cameltoe is it ? And Hasan having a manosphere blog? Every internet politicker has some sexual blackmail that can be used against them, vaush is just getting caught now because he’s so outwardly neuro divergent and it’s also fashionable for anyone on the left to s*** on Biden

    Or maybe hes just getting called out now because he showed his child p*** folder with horse cocks in it on stream

  • Feb 11
    3 replies

    Tired of ppl calling it something other than what it really is. CP. he should be investigated

    CP is when cartoons

  • This made it on here

  • Faith

    saving p*** is crazy just hit up the hub bro

    I don’t get people that are aroused by anime let alone this goofy ass s***.

  • Feb 11

    Oh wait he’s a socialist, makes sense

    This type of flawed thinking is so dumb there's actually a name for it - it's called an ad hominem fallacy.

  • rich scouser

    Alot of these streamers be freaky and hard drives of shame and y'all damn well.know it

    You really think Hasan and destiny watching normal p*** ? Gtfoh

    Hasan is way more normie than Vaush. There’s no way.

  • His community mad at him for consuming ai horse cock loli p*** and for not using real organic free trade horse and loli vaush community is low key scary af

  • Feb 11
    1 reply

    I don't watch him anymore, thought reacting to Fox News all day boring and low effort but what has he done? Has it been anything bad recently

    Nah Hasan only gets hate for political opinions. Generally not this kinda thing