The FIRST thing I thought of when I saw the thread title
lacoste >>>> and thats on the g
Tbh Lacoste did invent the modern day polo
Tbh Lacoste did invent the modern day polo
Who gives AF Ralph did it better
Who gives AF Ralph did it better
Yeah ok nigga? I was just saying.
I fw Polo wayy more than Lascoste
Yeah ok nigga? I was just saying.
I fw Polo wayy more than Lascoste
Ment to reply off the c***my b blueface
Out of my price range but I'd sit on the jacket for a min for the price to increase
Got a jw Anderson trencher to buy that's it. Like Kanye said YOU THE TYPE TO SHOP AT UNIQLO
Got a jw Anderson trencher to buy that's it. Like Kanye said YOU THE TYPE TO SHOP AT UNIQLO
It was meant as a compliment