My thread about vietbrah got removed
He’s really out here with moderators protecting his image
My thread about vietbrah got removed
He’s really out here with moderators protecting his image
vietbruh the goat
My thread about vietbrah got removed
He’s really out here with moderators protecting his image
You corny for that
My thread about vietbrah got removed
He’s really out here with moderators protecting his image
So u mean to tell me a thread that has nothing to do with music got removed from the music sxn?
My thread about vietbrah got removed
He’s really out here with moderators protecting his image
Making a thread about another man???
My thread about vietbrah got removed
He’s really out here with moderators protecting his image
Why are you making threads about vietbrah
This is only cool bc niggas were definitely calling it a flop 1 week after it dropped lol
So u mean to tell me a thread that has nothing to do with music got removed from the music sxn?
Fr lmao
It's not a Drake record
"For Free" and "To The Max" ain't "do good" either.
Umm it’s the highest charted DJ Khaled and Drake collab though lol
Lotta cryin itt
Laugh Now Cry Later OUT NOW!
The most insecure Drake Stan on ktt lol of course he’ll be trigged by that post.
Lol just saw this
I don’t think you know what insecure means man. Please read a book.