Niggas that cant go a week without touching themselves thinks everyone is like them like theyre the majority
Chocolate bars should also be illegal if dopamine receptors and personal health are your main backing points
Chocolate bars cost money which inhibits someone from eating infinite chocolate bars and dying. If you read op I said put a paywall on all visitors from a country that has this new p*** regulation and it will link its consumption to a finite resource)
the same way any non-digital addictive thing like substances or gambling needs money to be spent
Birthrate is going down because of p***?
Yeah it sure isnt the anti woman laws, over pricing on houses, bad wconomy, the 2nd worst jobs market nd the most expensive eductaion ever
Yeah its just the p*** which has neen around forever LMAO
Chocolate bars cost money which inhibits someone from eating infinite chocolate bars and dying. If you read op I said put a paywall on all visitors from a country that has this new p*** regulation and it will link its consumption to a finite resource)
the same way any non-digital addictive thing like substances or gambling needs money to be spent
I did read your OP and addressed it in my previous post. It was more convenient to ignore it though I guess
Birthrate is going down because of p***?
Yeah it sure isnt the anti woman laws, over pricing on houses, bad wconomy, the 2nd worst jobs market nd the most expensive eductaion ever
Yeah its just the p*** which has neen around forever LMAO
Literally forever
They were carving s***scenes onto rocks
Niggas will say dumb s*** like this but then theb next day statt s*** talking china
Have some self control band some self responsibility
Just because you cant stop touching your d*** doesnt mean most of us cant either
And funnily enough, the p*** market is one of the only vainle and stable job markets of the 2020s for people
How ironic
What does that tell you? Tjat obviously the issue is way more bigger than big bad p***. Perhaps we should actually target the real issues that cause a domino effect, ever think of that?
But sure lets take away one of the last standing jobs that actually lets them pay their bills and debts just because you yourself cant stop touching yourself.
F*** out of here.
Hate you scapegoat ass niggas that act like youre helping the greater good when really youre just tryinf to help your own selfish ass that cant hold any personal responsibility.
Selfish ass b**** niggas that hude behind faux alturism. Worst bthan a cynic or a narcissistic because at least theyre up front with their goals and point.
Spineless. And thats why you cant stop touching yourself.
Niggas in this thread are so illiterate and concerned with “dont restrict our imaginary sense of freedoms it’s an individual issue” that they don’t even consider the point and call me a dumbass
but can’t see the hypocrisy in agreeing with substances being illegal or xans being prescribed instead of over-the-counter for any 12 year old to get whenever they want or you needing to pay for a license to operate in certain areas or it being illegal to make a weapon from a 3d printer and all this other s*** yall just accept. Everything is an individual problem right
@hefstan @localblaccmane @Faith
It’s cuz they don’t want to admit what their watching is harmful to them
P*** is going to be treated like cigarettes in 10 years once studies come out showing how really s*** it is for your brain
And funnily enough, the p*** market is one of the only vainle and stable job markets of the 2020s for people
How ironic
What does that tell you? Tjat obviously the issue is way more bigger than big bad p***. Perhaps we should actually target the real issues that cause a domino effect, ever think of that?
But sure lets take away one of the last standing jobs that actually lets them pay their bills and debts just because you yourself cant stop touching yourself.
F*** out of here.
Hate you scapegoat ass niggas that act like youre helping the greater good when really youre just tryinf to help your own selfish ass that cant hold any personal responsibility.
Selfish ass b**** niggas that hude behind faux alturism. Worst bthan a cynic or a narcissistic because at least theyre up front with their goals and point.
Spineless. And thats why you cant stop touching yourself.
Cant stop touching yourself because you only think about yourself
Y’all want to have no liberties and be spoon fed everything
Just turn off your computer dumbass
same energy
I’m sorry man if u let p*** ruin yo brain u a weak ass nigga
Really pisses me off when people compare p*** to d**** when d**** kill people , im not even saying this pro p*** or nothing it just really trivializes d*** addiction to compare the two
Y’all want to have no liberties and be spoon fed everything
Just turn off your computer dumbass
Just dont watch it