i think the lowest string on this guitar is tuned down an octave lower than normal.
makes the bass on this soo good
Sample from
!https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zbeErgE4quAbronson in that thumbnail looking like the great white hope that’s leading his army to the capitol
Some of y’all need to listen to more music Jesus Christ
i like this one more than katy song tbh
Always thought the guitar on this sounded great
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKM90u7pf3Uhate this song but i do think those guitars sound cool. not really anything like any other kanye song on any other kanye album.
Some of y’all need to listen to more music Jesus Christ
No negative comments, for every negative comment u have to post 3 songs, so chop chop mr music man
hate this song but i do think those guitars sound cool. not really anything like any other kanye song on any other kanye album.
Yea the first half of the song completely ruined it for me. I think if Kanye had better lyrics and the mixing wasn't as bad this song could have been great.
No negative comments, for every negative comment u have to post 3 songs, so chop chop mr music man
Some of y’all need to listen to more music Jesus Christ
Talk s***, drop pick.
Talk s***, drop pick.
I did!