this guitar solo gets me everytime
so agreed man. Youtube compresses it a bit but the intimacy and warmth of how the guitar sounds in it is amazing. I think he recorded the whole album just sitting on the floor against his couch and you can definitely tell. So good and the songwriting on past recedes is some of my favorite ever from him
yea i hate to marginalize artists bc he’s still making v interesting and engaging music, but this feels like him at his most authentic. really amazing stuff. a masterpiece in an amazing discography
Any kind or style or era. Post ur favorites i’m in that mood today
! of my fav live solo improv
one of my fav live solo improv
! is wonderful ithaka That guitar tone is amazing. The woman who got on stage in the fedora
This is wonderful ithaka That guitar tone is amazing. The woman who got on stage in the fedora
j mascis didn’t even react he was like o aight anyway
@Ithaka how do u feel about this project ? I love this album but i think i’ve realized i’m more of a fan of this particular sound and lineup than the band overall, even though i love josh homme’s style overall
@Ithaka how do u feel about this project ? I love this album but i think i’ve realized i’m more of a fan of this particular sound and lineup than the band overall, even though i love josh homme’s style overall
!! but clockwork is a banger tho
wait can we post songs with vocals itt
same but clockwork is a banger tho
wait can we post songs with vocals itt
of course, as long as there’s guitar in any capacity really
of course, as long as there’s guitar in any capacity really
oh man this thread has no end
ima try to put relevant stuff bc if not we just posting only in dreams and lock it
sheeeeeeeeeesh the second one