  • Dec 31, 2023
    1 reply

    Any creative writers in here?

  • Dec 31, 2023
    1 reply
    shin thread jpeg
    · edited

    thanks man. i liked the og bg too but after i finished coloring BOMBR, i wanted to go all-in on trying to capture the energy of the explosion instead. i always felt my ARMS poster was too static for the actions happening in it (still like it tho!) and wanted to make up for that. i might use the og bg as inspiration for another BOMBR piece (the rose petals were going to be loose stickers btw). as for rough drafts, i didnt save much so its just these:

    and i wasnt planning on selling this poster. just printing a 24x36 for myself and an 11x17 for a coworker

    for my next poster, i want it to be with a group of characters this time so i'm going to design a tour poster for a 5-member jazz / post rock band from the year 2189 that ill also have to design lol. i had fun coming up with the Aerosoul vandals this year so i want to start another proj like it. I also want to do a Power Stone homage but the band is first

    I see. And I forget, do you have any grander plans for these original characters like story or anything or it’s just for fun?

  • Dec 31, 2023

    Any creative writers in here?

    I assume you’re looking for solely text based writers but, I’m working on a comic right now gonna post the first page in a bit

  • Dec 31, 2023
    2 replies

    Showing off the shoe design I came up with there were a lot of drafts that went into this.

    Its a bad sign if I have to say this for the viewer to understand but this was made with a fish eye lens perspective which causes everything near the edge to warp, which is what’s happening to the arm back there. Maybe it’s just hard to tell without a background for reference.

  • Dec 31, 2023
    1 reply

    I see. And I forget, do you have any grander plans for these original characters like story or anything or it’s just for fun?

    for these characters, no. just exercises in character design and poster composition. though, id jump at the chance to make a psx/dc type game about the vandals

  • OnyxShine9

    Showing off the shoe design I came up with there were a lot of drafts that went into this.

    Its a bad sign if I have to say this for the viewer to understand but this was made with a fish eye lens perspective which causes everything near the edge to warp, which is what’s happening to the arm back there. Maybe it’s just hard to tell without a background for reference.

    bro this is hard

  • Dec 31, 2023
    shin thread jpeg

    for these characters, no. just exercises in character design and poster composition. though, id jump at the chance to make a psx/dc type game about the vandals

    Start a patreon and go for it dude, I promise you have the talent to get some level of funding and support towards it. Way I see it is if you think you will eventually, start it now instead of 12+ months later.

  • Dec 31, 2023

    WIP. For some reason my scanner isn't picking up the pencil lead or texture of the page which is making this look way worse than it actually appears here.

  • Drawing in silence with nothing but the windy ambient noise at night and focused light from your lamp is so cozy bros.

    I’d seriously recommend a cheap and flexible desk lamp for anyone that doesn’t have one it makes a worlds difference. This is the one I use.

  • Jan 8
    2 replies

  • Jan 8
    1 reply

    This is the greatest photo bashing I have ever seen, got any more?

  • OnyxShine9

    Showing off the shoe design I came up with there were a lot of drafts that went into this.

    Its a bad sign if I have to say this for the viewer to understand but this was made with a fish eye lens perspective which causes everything near the edge to warp, which is what’s happening to the arm back there. Maybe it’s just hard to tell without a background for reference.

    Sheesh this perspective work is so cold !!

  • @OS9 That is amazing bro

  • Jan 9
    1 reply

    This is the greatest photo bashing I have ever seen, got any more?

    Oooo lots check out my Instagram @survivethetrap

  • survivethetrap

    Oooo lots check out my Instagram @survivethetrap

    I’ll give it a gander

    And @HommeTelephone @Aquilla Bruhs thank you 🙏

  • very cool thread

  • survivethetrap


  • Jan 20
    2 replies

    @op @OS9 feel like y'all would appreciate this video and his process

  • training

    @op @OS9 feel like y'all would appreciate this video and his process

    ok this strong SNES era JRPG vibes

  • Some sonic fanart I've been working on

  • Made this pic of Michael Jordan dunking on Godzilla in space in MS Paint

  • training

    @op @OS9 feel like y'all would appreciate this video and his process

    Damn I never watched this but I might, thats a good pic ty btw

  • Feb 27
    1 reply

    Some finished works (technically includes vase and lamp?)

    Stuff from last year/ still adding tweaks

    Works in Progress

    The big b**** WIP

  • Feb 27
    1 reply
    babylon sherm

    Some finished works (technically includes vase and lamp?)

    Stuff from last year/ still adding tweaks

    Works in Progress

    The big b**** WIP

    Pics 1 2 6 7 8 and the last one go hard beyond verbal expressionbruh, SO good