You’re real as f*** for Seasons Change. His best mixtape track ever, by far
Anyone in the thread saying they don’t have one is a liar and they know it. There isn’t a soul on earth that doesn’t like 1-5 Chris Brown songs (minimum).
The taste
Top 2 on indigo. The intro is unbelievable and the entirety of the song feels like you’re just elevating into space
Along with Yo and Poppin
I was actually waiting for someone to post undecided. I was out cruising tonight playing that one with the windows down. It really is like the perfect lead single.
All of these are fire
Undecided music video took me to another level of fan lol s*** made me feel like them old music videos i used to watch on MTV
This, autumn leaves, and back to love make up my top 3.
Great choice