Fine China blows me away every time. No idea how it’s not considered one of the best songs of the last two decades
Forreal, I doesn’t get the recognition in the culture like Forever does. Fine China is pure bliss. When Fine China dropped his image wasn’t the best though.
Edit: Crazy how he recovered after that with Loyal
Forreal, I doesn’t get the recognition in the culture like Forever does. Fine China is pure bliss. When Fine China dropped his image wasn’t the best though.
Edit: Crazy how he recovered after that with Loyal
He’s definitely never going away. People can just stay mad about that
He’s definitely never going away. People can just stay mad about that
Honestly thought Breezy was finished after Fine China, that’s one of his best songs and was tailor made for #1. I for sure thought it would be a huge smash. Then Loyal came and was honestly the most shocking moment for me musically in the ‘10s.
Honestly thought Breezy was finished after Fine China, that’s one of his best songs and was tailor made for #1. I for sure thought it would be a huge smash. Then Loyal came and was honestly the most shocking moment for me musically in the ‘10s.
Fortune was hated by critics but he still had some massive hits on there. I wouldn't say he was finished heading into X
15 y/o me was doing that end dance routine in my room shirtless lmao
the lyrics are funny as hell but this is one of my fav loosies
the real sample king
the lyrics are funny as hell but this is one of my fav loosies
the real sample king
This was on the original track list for HBOAFM. Shame he took it off because it’s a great song
The way he comes in with the vocals
Fortune was hated by critics but he still had some massive hits on there. I wouldn't say he was finished heading into X
Fortune falls into the same category as Looking 4 Myself with Usher. Had hits but was more so from following the EDM wave
when it was hot. I was unsure how both of them would recover because that was clearly a trend and r&b was fading, especially with his contemporaries careers falling off as well.
The Breakup and Discover
Dont Judge Me deserves a mention but now i wanna say this my fav
this is a top 3 feature/hook of all time
I remember being fascinated by his shirt changing colors
Yo (Excuse Me Miss) is literally my favorite R&B song of all time and I would honestly say could be my favorite song of all time
Yo (Excuse Me Miss) is literally my favorite R&B song of all time and I would honestly say could be my favorite song of all time
Girl you got my atentin you makin me wanna ay YOOOOOOO!
lmao I love it. Ain't No Way was the best off of his debut IMO
Too real for HBOAFM, best song on that album