I’ve been binging on every page in this thread and I just wanna drop this to my fellow ktt brethren. Positive vibes lift your heads up kings
What were you saying was confirmed?
confirmed that she likes the guy she went on the date with
Oh wow
@BVL you are very brave for posting these, thank you and i hope you don't say why to people sending you vagina pics anymore
Why no one else posting their own pics
You should have to post one to view the thread
BVL gotta have a humiliation kink
He better be careful
Might join #metoo / cancelled
where is the original thread s*** was a classic
That was one of my all time favs fr
This thread confirmed to me that I should NEVER go looking thru my old text threads. We are who we are now, fam.
Don't cringe at your past, just try to be less cringe in the present