Hasan streaming the strike with Adam Conover (from Adam Hates Everything)
And caroline kwan
I was tryna strike s***, I was tryna strike s***
I was tryna strike s***, like a match, late night, yeah
Strike like I missed it, strike like I hit the pin
Strike like I'm not goin' to work, strike, strike
I was tryna strike s***, I was tryna strike s***
I was tryna strike s***, like a match, late night, yeah
Strike like I missed it, strike like I hit the pin
Strike like I'm not goin' to work, strike, strike
I thought She-Hulk was really good
It’s unfairly hated and the finale was really satisfying
Anyone who supports this strike is ableist because people with anxiety need Marvel movies for comfort + mental health.
Anyone who supports this strike is ableist because people with anxiety need Marvel movies for comfort + mental health.
If executives use AI to flesh out their ideas we're just going to get stuff like from the Sony email leaks
If executives use AI to flesh out their ideas we're just going to get stuff like from the Sony email leaks
The snapchat thing kind of became true with the vlogging aspect in Homecoming
I was tryna strike s***, I was tryna strike s***
I was tryna strike s***, like a match, late night, yeah
Strike like I missed it, strike like I hit the pin
Strike like I'm not goin' to work, strike, strike
Tuned in just to be hit with 8 ads
Some kids showed up specifically to troll his ass and start something and he got PISSED.
Oh man they’re still at it.
If executives use AI to flesh out their ideas we're just going to get stuff like from the Sony email leaks
This is exactly like the NBD/Not BD Wong bit from Bojack wow
Anyone who supports this strike is ableist because people with anxiety need Marvel movies for comfort + mental health.
If executives use AI to flesh out their ideas we're just going to get stuff like from the Sony email leaks
"very buzzworthy and cool"
"Everybody deserves to be paid fairly. So our number one focus is, let’s try and get this resolved," said Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav.