I agree with a sticky. This film/tv sxn and besides upcoming releases this will be all there is to talk about.
Wont be getting any new movie announcements
i like how all the top are replies are people acting like they watched the show and not one replied after being corrected on him being a main character
i can’t see all this tech to replicate actors really taking off
every big studio is hurting for cash and ain’t that s*** the reason indiana jones costed so much money to make
i can’t see all this tech to replicate actors really taking off
every big studio is hurting for cash and ain’t that s*** the reason indiana jones costed so much money to make
They playing themselves. They know they need the actors and writers more than the tech.
Sean Gunn was on Gilmore Girls?
One of the best townie characters in the show
On the bright side of things atleast super low budget indie projects now have a space and place to have a renaissance like how it did back in the 90s
These f*** ass billionaires thinking they run s*** gonna have a rude awakening
the ai stuff is so diabolical it’s like the plot to some 80s cheese
i can’t see all this tech to replicate actors really taking off
every big studio is hurting for cash and ain’t that s*** the reason indiana jones costed so much money to make
with studios execs giving themselves literal tens of millions in bonuses, they're def not hurting for cash
Fr tho why do they need multi million dollar bonuses on top of their salaries?
Fr tho why do they need multi million dollar bonuses on top of their salaries?
cements financial power
The fact that they did that and still won't even release the fully finished season is wild
i can’t see all this tech to replicate actors really taking off
every big studio is hurting for cash and ain’t that s*** the reason indiana jones costed so much money to make
i think it'll get easier with time unfortunately
for what the show is lol kinda creepy
Fr tho why do they need multi million dollar bonuses on top of their salaries?
cause they are greedy, egotistical narcissists
Sean Gunn was on Gilmore Girls?
Kirk was great on that show