I don't know s*** about this labor situation but in general, striking leads to better compensation for the work force. The NFL never strikes and their labor deal is complete s***. you gotta strike. you gotta prove that you're willing to cost these studios money.
as a fan I don't want the strike. but i hope the writers get a good deal.
Man I remember when the last one happened
Every show that year or two had their seasons shortened or some shows didn’t make it because of the strike
All new users are alts now? You really are an idiot.
Let’s stop derailing the thread now, okay b****?
you already derailed it by calling the workers idiots.
but hey, if you want to be a shill and a bootlicker for big business and hollywood execs then have at it 👍🏾
you already derailed it by calling the workers idiots.
but hey, if you want to be a shill and a bootlicker for big business and hollywood execs then have at it 👍🏾
Oh yeah what I say here is so influential. You’re such a baby.
I recently finished Sydney Lumet's book that was written back in the 90s, he was saying they treat music composers and writers the worst in the industry. s*** really hasn't changed and why should it huh
The only reason I really remember the last writers guild strike was because of how it affected the tv show Heroes. That show went to complete dumpster fire s*** when the strike hit and they thought they could thug it out.
They better pay these niggas what they want!
Praying this doesn’t end up happening to Severance
But f*** it, these writers gotta get what they’re owed
Praying this doesn’t end up happening to Severance
But f*** it, these writers gotta get what they’re owed
holy f*** not Severance
That’s fire that they can bring the entire industry to a standstill. Pay them their worth
It’s already got problems behind the scenes rn
wtf whats happening Im not aware
this allegedly got disproven. but that could just be a PR move.
I'm kinda ignorant to this situation, should we not watch TV/Movies to support the strike?
I'm kinda ignorant to this situation, should we not watch TV/Movies to support the strike?
There’s nothing that WE can really do I don’t think.
What is going to happen is production of most current movies and shows will stop until a deal is reached. This could result in release date delays and more reality tv