statement of candidacy filed
statement of candidacy filed
It’s him!!!
Or a rich troll
is he in or is he out?
statement of candidacy filed
This is so strange. He's out in FL. He has no chance anymore and he pretty much knows it.
Donda was born in Oklahoma. Kanye signed his paperwork with "DONDA'S PLACE" yesterday. One theory would be that he has only applied for this in Oklahoma so far because Donda was born there. I guess we need to wait for his tweets because so far he's very silent about it.
is he in or is he out?
seems like media just jumped the gun tryna catch a headline before he said anything
he's running i guess but giving up on states he knows he'll lose? idk. gonna have to wait till he says something
This is so strange. He's out in FL. He has no chance anymore and he pretty much knows it.
Donda was born in Oklahoma. Kanye signed his paperwork with "DONDA'S PLACE" yesterday. One theory would be that he has only applied for this in Oklahoma so far because Donda was born there. I guess we need to wait for his tweets because so far he's very silent about it.
yeah i thought the same. this is all odd
i mean he was never getting points from battleground states (or winning anything at all at this late stage) so i guess he's testing waters who knows
he needs 10k signatures btw
idk abt that. We have no real benchmark on how many of his fans are in SC, are able to fill out the form, support his campaign, and will end up doing it.
Politics is especially hard because you can't use social media as a guide to popularity like you can with most other things. Biden had a livestream with only 1,000 people watching and is still heavily favored to win.
Wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't get enough
statement of candidacy filed
Rally today. Gonna be interesting to see if he uses a teleprompter or goes off the cuff
Rally today. Gonna be interesting to see if he uses a teleprompter or goes off the cuff
there’s not gonna be a teleprompter lmaoooo
lmao the registration link was in the article