Yea this a must watch lmao i hope he dont embarrass himself too much even tho he can handle it
Yea this a must watch lmao i hope he dont embarrass himself too much even tho he can handle it
hearing the reports about his team makes me a little less worried but you never know
you already know he gonna be late too lmfao
he's gonna get ripped to shreds by the media if he is
you already know he gonna be late too lmfao
He’s doing a radio interview don’t know if it’s before or after though, willing to bet after tbh
oh boy this rally may be his craziest moment yet
Either gonna be a goat moment or another TMZ
he's gonna get ripped to shreds by the media if he is
doubt it tbh
everyone is late to their rallies
he's gonna get ripped to shreds by the media if he is
Nah these type of events almost always start late unless televised
no idea fam
idrc this is more of a timeline thread at this point
I have a better idea now
Started on this link