  • Crying HHH said enough with this s***ty reign

  • aight, man

  • Reawakened

    Nak goin back into the shadows lol

    That little heel run he had on Raw about a year or 2 ago with Cody was cool, might be wraps now tho.

  • niggas sick of nak when he’s just there for the bag :wow:

  • ·
    1 reply

    All I know is AEW better pull out the led ramp for Revolution this week, been too long

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    All I know is AEW better pull out the led ramp for Revolution this week, been too long

    You forget what happened to adam Cole

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    You forget what happened to adam Cole

    Well damn that was the last time they used it huh? Lmao

  • How does one even think to try to master this

  • oh my lmaooo

  • That Cody promo was awesome

  • ShayMalice

    Well damn that was the last time they used it huh? Lmao

    I think so lol

  • YoungNastyShawty

    How does one even think to try to master this

    Special kind of autism

    There’s a guy who speed runs Super Mario 64 blindfolded damn near everyday

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    Big K.R.I.T.>>>>>

  • El Rey

    Big K.R.I.T.>>>>>

    One of the best to come out the south

  • How was Smackdown?

  • vagabonds

    f***ed up the andrade/melo/knight tension for an all ass nearly 4 month reign with 2 defenses

    welcome to friday night smackdown

  • YoungNastyShawty

    How does one even think to try to master this

    no life

  • Julio Caesar

    seeing that s*** live was crazy and how much it left a mark

  • vagabonds

    his associate travis scott

    most hated man in the game now but still not more then drake

  • vagabonds

    march 17

    he will be on raw on that date ?

  • gothangelsinner

    someone has to tell this man that the rock is his boss so he better no his role and shut is mouth

  • NameKiaN


  • vagabonds

    this s*** frying me

    i like how these wwe ppl/fans never watched an aew person wrestle before they came to wwe