you for starters
you for starters
don’t come back
I wonder if punk is in better shape than he was in AEW cause he’s not moving as clunky as he was
what's there even to bleed about
I wonder if punk is in better shape than he was in AEW cause he’s not moving as clunky as he was
For starters he’s not tryna do all the moves the young guys are doing
what happens if you break NY law and gig? Fine??
Can lose ur license to do shows in NY
Can lose ur license to do shows in NY
I wonder if punk is in better shape than he was in AEW cause he’s not moving as clunky as he was
He looks a lot better physically for sure
No way punk doesn’t bleed here lmfao
Completely forgot wwe had escape the cage rules
every wrestler in existence had forgotten that rule
them censoring the middle finger is so corny lmao
Was that the Alex pereira move lmao
Yea lmao
Is Netflix censoring the finger or is that MSG lol
its all a setup for me to just slap ralph instead just play along
elbow - Pat McAfee