Punk looks like s***
I dare you
He snuck 2 middle fingers in uh oh
Netflix blacking out middle fingers?
this like when start spamming s*** on the wrestling games
MSG has their own broadcast station right? It's gotta be them lmao
This not airing on MSG Network lol
He gon turn into dust
bro is singing fabolous
chances we get a stomp from top of cage?
Punk don't Cope yourself!
Was about to say. Don’t do it Phil
im scared
seth you laid there and took 9 elbows in a row
now you can get off your feet
Why didn’t he just climb down
Phil would combust if he did that lol
Completely forgot wwe had escape the cage rules
I don't mind over the top of the cage escape but through the door is lame
Cole talking about Punk jumping off...trying to kill that man
this drone cam filming in 480p cut this s*** off
This ain’t safe
this drone cam filming in 480p cut this s*** off
Like a 2005 AMV
God damn Phil
punk getting injured again before wm lmao