  • Updated Feb 19

    gotta be more ppl than just me or it's gon seem more schiz and less intelligent

  • Feb 19
    1 reply

    the importance of starting something, while balancing your views of perfection, and putting it out into the world for it to be absorbed //
    while making something to a higher standard should always be a goal, don't over criticize your work to the point where you never release it


  • Feb 19

    the importance of starting something, while balancing your views of perfection, and putting it out into the world for it to be absorbed //
    while making something to a higher standard should always be a goal, don't over criticize your work to the point where you never release it


    you never know how many steps you'll miss just by delaying that first step too much

  • Feb 19
    1 reply


  • Feb 19


    no ty bruh drop a bar

    Feb 19
    1 reply

    There's more honor in doing what you say than doing what you want

  • Feb 19

    First they force you to wipe then take the toilet paper away

  • None of us would be here without c**

  • hot pancakes 🦬
    Feb 19

    it’s better to know some of the questions then all of the answers

  • Feb 20

    There's more honor in doing what you say than doing what you want

  • Feb 20

    life is fr mainly and solely about interactions with people //
    treat people well, we are all we have on this level

  • Feb 23

    just heard "an amateur built the ark and a professional built the titanic"

  • gardevoir

  • Timetravel is possible

    Time is a circle, with singularity being the reset button. If you timetravel to the past, you alter the future, but at the same time, you don't alter the present you came from. That passes and you never return. It dissolves in the singularity. If you were to travel to the past it automatically alters the future due to the butterfly effect, whatever you do. So if you then try to return to your "present" so to say, you can, but you will enter your newly created present, now the one you came from, potentially with your own doppelganger ganger. This is due to there not being a beginning or an end. All of this probably has happened before in alternate ways and keeps resetting itself when timetravel gets invented. It mustve happened a few times already, which is what leads to deja vu's. Now a timetraveller who did this to us presumably is from far in the future, and knowing that biological immortality is extremely feasible in the next 100 years, the idea that this timetraveller is "immortal" is extremely likely. With otherwords, since we likely are an 100x alterations, caused by timetravel, an original timetraveller who is millions of years old or older is a very likely probability. In fact, there is reason to believe that this timetraveller is not human, since humans are likely a result of the butterfly effect. Could be multiple too.

  • Feb 23

    i love cheesecake, real late at night

  • Feb 23
    1 reply

    If you create 1 believe you have 1 million. If you create 6 believers you have 1 billion

  • Feb 23

    If you create 1 believe you have 1 million. If you create 6 believers you have 1 billion


  • , - & - = +

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    This is beautiful. Do you know the name of this art piece?

  • Mar 2
    1 reply
  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    Thank you!

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    Thank you!

    fasho fasho // drop a profound thought tho g

  • Mar 2

    fasho fasho // drop a profound thought tho g

    If God exists (which I do believe) then God is the most profound thing I can think of. Other than that, our whole existence is profound. The fact that anything exists is profound. Nothing produces nothing. Nothing doesn't create anything or cause something to happen. Something does. If something exists at all then that is proof that there is something that has always existed, and that specific thing or mind has the power to create the world as we know it.

    The fact that something exists at all proves that there is an ultimate source of it all that does not depend on anything other than itself - a conscious and self-sufficient entity (God) that at some point made an active conscious decision to create the world and to also create us with the ability to perceive the world around us.

    It would not make sense for us to develop our senses and consciousness unless there was already a conscious mind who knew beforehand that there were things in this world that could be seen, felt, heard, tasted and smelled and thus gave us these senses so that we could perceive the world around us.

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong.