No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong.
to be wise and grow in wisdom, you will learn from your wrongs constantly
life is so much deeper and enjoyable than the things we purchase that we believe make it worthwhile
deeper than bread, investments, f***ing, cars, nice homes...
i was just sitting outside and realizing how much i enjoy spring, all the colors of the leaves and trees look beautiful, the wind is nice, birds outside singing to each other.
then on top of that you have good people.
someone posted this: "Life gets so much worse before it gets better but it always does. It’s also perspective like the life you dreamed of will become your nightmare a year from now and it’s easy to get over that. So you’re like always getting over things and moving on. Which feels like progress and it’s really not but at least it’s easier ? "
Row row row your boat gently down the stream,
(This life is yours to control, don’t worry about what other people are doing. Focus on what you have to do. Row your boat baby. But be easy on yourself, the best way to row a boat is gently)
Merrily merrily merrily,
(Be merry! Have fun, be active, form relationships, be happy! No point in being miserable it’ll only hold YOU back.)
Life is but a dream.
(This s*** is temporary. The good times won’t last, but shoot the bad time won’t last either. Don’t take life so serious. It’s here today and gone tomorrow. Row your boat and be merry.)
Also keep telling yourself you’re gonna win whatever you’re doing.
You’ll trick your brain into believing you’ll achieve whatever you have in front you. Even if you f*** up you’ll start looking at the f*** up as temporary obstacles instead of failure.
That’ll breed confidence, then you find success, and success breeds confidence. It’s a positive feedback loop
our minds and imaginations are all the realm of god
gods mind is not just one thing. it is endless consciousnesses interacting with each other on many levels. to an extent reality is the result of a sort of shattering or splitting of a higher consciousness into multiple worlds