Actors portfolio leaked and it lists “project white sands” by Valve. Was hired in 2023….. white sands…. New Mexico…. Black mesa….
Tyler mcfucker thinks it’s hl3
Kotaku reporting it
Is it finally time after 20 years
They wouldn’t even do it justice anyway cus the main writer left and we already know the plot so they’d rewrite it
They wouldn’t even do it justice anyway cus the main writer left and we already know the plot so they’d rewrite it
its over before it even started
Half life card game
They wouldn’t even do it justice anyway cus the main writer left and we already know the plot so they’d rewrite it
Alyx retconned the ending so they’d have no choice but to make it different
As good as epistle 3 was I just want the game
They wouldn’t even do it justice anyway cus the main writer left and we already know the plot so they’d rewrite it
Fam they brought back the writer already for half life alyx and they changed the ending of episode 2 to make a new story if you played it
For sale I don't really game anymore
What's your price?
EDIT: Nvm, I made it to first page b****es
Fam they brought back the writer already for half life alyx and they changed the ending of episode 2 to make a new story if you played it
No they didn’t? it’s Marc Laidlaw, he had no involvement with Alyx. They did a light retcon so they could have a different angle going into 3 if they made it
No they didn’t? it’s Marc Laidlaw, he had no involvement with Alyx. They did a light retcon so they could have a different angle going into 3 if they made it
oh i thought eric wolpaw was that guy.
anyways, the ending of alyx clearly signals they are going in a different direction interested to see where it goes if this is HL3
I bought an index just for Alyx you know I’m gonna do something stupido for this one
Actors portfolio leaked and it lists “project white sands” by Valve. Was hired in 2023….. white sands…. New Mexico…. Black mesa….
Tyler mcfucker thinks it’s hl3
! reporting it
Is it finally time after 20 years
Doesn't Tyler think everything is Half-Life 3?
I bought an index just for Alyx you know I’m gonna do something stupido for this one
Alyx was worth every penny
Doesn't Tyler think everything is Half-Life 3?
No… maybe…. Yes…. But this one actually credible