Meltdown itt when this doesn’t happen tonight
since the main guy left who cares just going to be some woke s***
infamously non woke franchise Half Life
Jason said on his Triple Click podcast that HL3 is not one of the games he's aware of. So while it's possible HL3 is there, it's not one of Jason's two big ones.
Jason said on his Triple Click podcast that HL3 is not one of the games he's aware of. So while it's possible HL3 is there, it's not one of Jason's two big ones.
Bet he’s capping, probably wants to preserve the surprise of HL3 now that he made it obvious
Bet he’s capping, probably wants to preserve the surprise of HL3 now that he made it obvious
ban op
Oh wow you’re not on the HL3 train?
Oh wow you’re not on the HL3 train?
Nah I am in lol I havent play episoes or alyx yet
Nah I am in lol I havent play episoes or alyx yet
haven’t even played the episodes
nah love 2 though
Episode 2 is the reason why people are mad they never released episode 3 / HL3 that’s all I’ll say
Episode 2 is the reason why people are mad they never released episode 3 / HL3 that’s all I’ll say
I know the gist looke up way back but just cant remember exactly what happens
welcome to the half life fandom
Nothing ever happens
Ban op