Coincidentally I also listened to Tangerine Dream yesterday and I loved it
Don't know much about either of those 2 groups tbh, you got some recs?
They're a little harder edged than requested but you seem to prefer Brit pop-psych and they were two of the most elite bands doing it. Check out There Are But Four and Ogden's Nut for Small Faces.... Having A Rave Up and Roger The Engineer for The Yardbirds.
No love for the dead here?
op is a confirmed deadhead but i dont really f*** with them at all
op is a confirmed deadhead but i dont really f*** with them at all
Gotta give them a chance. At first I didn’t like them except for a couple songs. But now I’m all in with the dead. I also can see why being a deadhead is kinda like a religion and why people are obsessed with them
Gotta give them a chance. At first I didn’t like them except for a couple songs. But now I’m all in with the dead. I also can see why being a deadhead is kinda like a religion and why people are obsessed with them
Dylan always been the closest thing to a rock diety and I'm sure the Lesh, Garcia etc would agree. I've given them many many chances over alotta years they're just not for me. Respect them but never wanna hear them noodle.
No love for the dead here?
some of the goats. their 1968-1969 live stuff particularly is a peak of psychedelia imo. (other eras as good too ofc, but not quite as psych)
favorite years besides that are 1971, 1974, 1977
in before rvi kicks me out bc it ain’t a 60s recording..
nah its ok, other time period stuff is fine as long as its in the same style. just trying to avoid neo-psychedelia like Animal Collective, Spiritualized, Flaming Lips, MGMT etc cuz its an entirely different genre pretty much
nah its ok, other time period stuff is fine as long as its in the same style. just trying to avoid neo-psychedelia like Animal Collective, Spiritualized, Flaming Lips, MGMT etc cuz its an entirely different genre pretty much
some post 1970 cool stuff ive been listening lately that falls roughly under the style:
ive never been able to get too much into them tbh. outside of loving their early classic singles when i was younger
Congratulations didnt really do much for me
ive never been able to get too much into them tbh. outside of loving their early classic singles when i was younger
Congratulations didnt really do much for me
u don’t like tht song? that’s some dope new order mood
u don’t like tht song? that’s some dope new order mood
its decent, i dont dislike any of the stuff ive heard from them
its decent, i dont dislike any of the stuff ive heard from them
so hard to please rvi
so hard to please rvi