Let’s celebrate.
It's between this, Tha Tour or something from '00s Wayne
the real nigga anthem
News or something that outro
love purple reign but not even futures best tape
i just need my girlfrieeendddd
Not cos this bad but cos his tapes are goated right?
yeah duh! Future mixtape catalogue
Monster #1?
damn time flies
top 3 fewtch
Inside The Mattress
lil nigga take ya b**** wit all that hating s***
D*** dealers and strippers they in my entourage
Not even better than Beast Mode
Future's most unique project, he never made anything like it again
Perkys CallinPurple ReignNews or Something
What a run
Classic tape
56 nights superiority
i remember this dropped and ppl said it was the weakest tape of the run or bottom 2
crazy how a narrative changes it’s an amazing tape but goat mixtape you future fans really are fiends of sensationalism