signed the petition and emailed my senators and congresswoman asking them to sign the bill
very important thread, never heard of this until now. as I said in the George Floyd thread, one of the most alarming things of the past few days is the violation of constitutional rights. this will lead to a slippery slope towards fascism and dictatorship.
we should all sign the petition and get on our congressmen to support the bill before it's too late
the bill is ready, now we will need Congress's support does a bill end qualified immunity if it originated from a Supreme Court ruling? Wouldn’t the bill just be struck down because there is precedent that exists to strike it?
can u explain more, i dont know much about it. He is only in first year lol
Don't know the hierarchy of courts in USA but stare decisis means courts are bound to follow earlier decisions made by a higher court when presented with a similar set of facts. Earlier decisions in an equal/lower court have persuasive value.
Lawyers for each side basically have to bring up earlier decisions made by judges and the other side has to refute it either by pointing out how the current case has materially different facts and thus that judgment has no application or that the judges applied the law incorrectly in that previous judgment
found this out a while ago when my govt teacher told us that the reason why a lot of congress members are so rich isnt because of their salary, but because a lot of them do insider trading and grant themselves immunity
signed btw