Back itt. Is this a black women vs black men thread yet?
Yes, as it should be
Sorry that happened to you fr
It's good. I was really down bad at that time and thought I was in love, don't know why I sat through all that. But it definitely showed me there is no sympathy for men in that situation like there is women. It's not taken serious whatsoever and it sucks. At least women can reach out to other women and have a sympathetic ear. To go through something like that and you can't even talk about it because everyone takes it as a joke and flames you for it.
or how s***is a MUTUAL thing to express affection
not a transactional bargaining chip for women to hold over men
Yea that kinda logic is just flawed
tbf Quavo is just as materialistic as Saweetie so i don't see why we're on her head for that
based on what I heard Saweetie say I feel like she sees this relationship as a business deal and she wasn't bout to let that bag go down the elevator w/o a fight lol
How else would you describe a woman that admits she would and has stayed together with someone that wronged her simply because he paid her money?
It’s really crazy. No other race of women hate their men as much as bitter black women
really be these internet hoes. But the internet got hella influence on most them
Back itt. Is this a black women vs black men thread yet?
crazy how we knew where this was gonna go eventually
It’s a fact tho
no it's not. There's no statistic or scientific research that proves that.
In fact, data shows the opposite.
The way she talks you kinda right
She didn't mention one thing about actually being in love
Not even once. Didn't even mention 'liking' someone
It was all money money money related
Yea that kinda logic is just flawed
its a rlly toxic and unhealthy mindset where women are like I allow you to have s***with me when it should be a mutual bonding thing both parties WANT to do
As someone that's been with an abusive female I feel this 100%. My girl was physically bigger than me, left scars on my body, scratches all over my face, literally tried to stab me to death, decked me in my jaw muktip times, and people still saw it as a joke. When the cops came to a call I was bloody all over from her, and yet I was the one searched, ran, and asked to leave the premises everyone told them we both lived at together. She would make me seem like a bad person or an abuser for simply defending myself.
I worked with all women, whenever something happened to me it was funny and hilarious. But when a girl who worked with us boyfriend picked her up and took her out the house she had nothing but sympathy. It's disgusting how men are treated in these situations. And it's disgusting these people that will defend a woman no matter what.
they gon tell us we should just walk away. be the bigger person. you obviously did something
I aint gon lie my man dated this crazy smart b**** and she chased him in the cafeteria with a knife and nobody cared everyone just laughed. I laughed too
Yo you wild bro!
tbf Quavo is just as materialistic as Saweetie so i don't see why we're on her head for that
That's a different conversation
idk about this but ya she toxic af so many in the replies saying she's correct
tbf Quavo is just as materialistic as Saweetie so i don't see why we're on her head for that
Fam niggas acting like Quavo aint said just as superficial s*** in his own lyrics.
Man I hate when KTT get on its fake woke s*** lmfao.