  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Y’all gotta stop acting like black men don’t be on that bullshit on twitter too lol. There was a twitter famous nigga literally known for baiting bw, think his name was Mario. This is why we will forever be arguing. Y’all act oblivious to the bullshit your side is doing to the other side making it seem like it’s just random bullshit when it’s not.

    Men be on bullshit too but ive never seen black men collectively attack black women like they did to us during the BLM protests last year

  • Mar 30, 2021

    its a rlly toxic and unhealthy mindset where women are like I allow you to have s***with me when it should be a mutual bonding thing both parties WANT to do

    Yea I would feel disgusted if it bought you something and now you feel obligated to have s***with me

    Weird feeling

  • ghosting ®️
    Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Fam niggas acting like Quavo aint said just as superficial s*** in his own lyrics.

    Man I hate when KTT get on its fake woke s*** lmfao.

    bro what are u even arguing he is a RAPPER

    sweetie saying out of pocket s*** in interviews with no provocation

  • Mar 30, 2021
    3 replies

    Misogynists in here yet? Not going through the whole thread

  • Mar 30, 2021

    Misogynists in here yet? Not going through the whole thread

    it's too late lol.

  • Mar 30, 2021
    2 replies

    Quavo isn't picking females based on what they can buy for him

    He can be materialistic single by himself

    Those are completely different situations

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply

    I think I'd rather just jack off then deal with some of these women

    Celebs. Are. Not. Real. Life.

  • Mar 30, 2021


  • Mar 30, 2021

    Misogynists in here yet? Not going through the whole thread

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply

    I seen that interview.

    I've also seen niggas force they girls to have a threesome with a b**** in real life mad times lol.

    Yall just flip when the tables turn.

    niggas forcing b****es ain't even the premise here. We can all agree some niggas do f***ed up s***. And we see them being called out nowadays.

    B****es toxic behaviors is always enable and turned a blind eye on.

    But like you said. a nigga ain't supposed to do nothing but turn the other cheek and run away. cause that happens so easily

  • Mar 30, 2021

    And Saweetie being materialistic isn't the problem lmfao

  • Mar 30, 2021

    she basically says that women deserve to be pampered 24/7 and men should be grateful that women give them s**


  • Mar 30, 2021
    slime wrld

    "damn! wait.."

  • Mar 30, 2021

    tbf Quavo is just as materialistic as Saweetie so i don't see why we're on her head for that


  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply

    did quavo do that??

    how is that relevant to this

    On God. He tryna force something on us that ain't even on topic

  • Mar 30, 2021

    As someone that's been with an abusive female I feel this 100%. My girl was physically bigger than me, left scars on my body, scratches all over my face, literally tried to stab me to death, decked me in my jaw muktip times, and people still saw it as a joke. When the cops came to a call I was bloody all over from her, and yet I was the one searched, ran, and asked to leave the premises everyone told them we both lived at together. She would make me seem like a bad person or an abuser for simply defending myself.

    I worked with all women, whenever something happened to me it was funny and hilarious. But when a girl who worked with us boyfriend picked her up and took her out the house she had nothing but sympathy. It's disgusting how men are treated in these situations. And it's disgusting these people that will defend a woman no matter what.

    You made it out in the end bro 🙌

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Yo you wild bro!

    It looks bad but he was liike 6'6 250 and she like 5'9 and like skinny so him just being big running around the cafeteria was just funny. We joke about it from time to time

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Celebs. Are. Not. Real. Life.

    There's women who aren't celebs that cause just as much grief

    Wording is important. I said some, not all.

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply
    Maga Law

    Quavo isn't picking females based on what they can buy for him

    He can be materialistic single by himself

    Those are completely different situations

    If we going by what Saweetie said in her tweets, he absolutely used gifts as a way to allow him to cheat with other women.

    Why yall acting like Quavo is the all innocent angelic victim type nigga because of this one elevator footage that they both probably aint give two s***s about?

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Misogynists in here yet? Not going through the whole thread

    Hope she sees this

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Who knows....but from the video it’s doubtful. If Quavo was really abusive he would’ve shown his true colors right there.

    na he saw the camera and looked right at it. he did just let her be on the floor even with the camera

  • ghosting ®️
    Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    On God. He tryna force something on us that ain't even on topic

    he keeps putting up straw men arguments and when he runs out of ideas he's like "damn ktt so misogynist y'all rlly beyond hope 😪"

    its kinda funny ngl

  • Mar 30, 2021
    Saint Aquinas

    I aint gon lie my man dated this crazy smart b**** and she chased him in the cafeteria with a knife and nobody cared everyone just laughed. I laughed too

    f***ed up

  • Mar 30, 2021

    no it's not. There's no statistic or scientific research that proves that.

    In fact, data shows the opposite.

    Im not even talking about marriage but if you wanna have that convo I’ll refer you to my man kevin samuels

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    na he saw the camera and looked right at it. he did just let her be on the floor even with the camera

    I thought he saw the camera after it happened
