  • ghosting ®️
    Mar 30, 2021

    Fam niggas acting like Quavo aint said just as superficial s*** in his own lyrics.

    Man I hate when KTT get on its fake woke s*** lmfao.

    who cares!!!

    that's not even relevant

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    niggas forcing b****es ain't even the premise here. We can all agree some niggas do f***ed up s***. And we see them being called out nowadays.

    B****es toxic behaviors is always enable and turned a blind eye on.

    But like you said. a nigga ain't supposed to do nothing but turn the other cheek and run away. cause that happens so easily

    Ok. Let me clarify since you been subbing me all thread:


    MY boundaries from day one make it so certain s*** doesn't even come close to happening because of past traumatic experiences in my life?

    Aight? Is that better?

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    they gon tell us we should just walk away. be the bigger person. you obviously did something

    Even then it's like bro how? She literally told me if I wanted to go then go, when I put my car in reverse she punched me right in my jaw. Then was hanging off my car and wouldn't let go, and when I kept driving and she fell niggas wanted to run the fade with me like I did something wrong.

  • Mar 30, 2021
    3 replies

    i mean if you live on twitter sure.

    most of those black women that make those tweets be in full relationships with black men that know damn well it aint about them.

    i'm dead. so why would they type s*** like that if they ain't experienced it

  • Mar 30, 2021
    Maga Law

    The way she talks you kinda right

    She didn't mention one thing about actually being in love

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply

    He’s Been Planning This 1 For Months just For this bullshit to happen man f***


  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply

    "refer you to my mans Kevin Samuels"

    aight that's my cue.

    Yall got it. Y'all have fun in this thread now lol.

  • Mar 30, 2021

    If we going by what Saweetie said in her tweets, he absolutely used gifts as a way to allow him to cheat with other women.

    Why yall acting like Quavo is the all innocent angelic victim type nigga because of this one elevator footage that they both probably aint give two s***s about?

    I was talking about the clip about how she views men

    Not really anything to do with the altercation in the elevator

    Her views of what a man should be for her is flawed

    Since Quavo knew that all she cared about is him buying her things of course he used that to cheat

    Being in a relationship is a love thing not a business

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Y’all gotta stop acting like black men don’t be on that bullshit on twitter too lol. There was a twitter famous nigga literally known for baiting bw, think his name was Mario. This is why we will forever be arguing. Y’all act oblivious to the bullshit your side is doing to the other side making it seem like it’s just random bullshit when it’s not.

    no one acting oblivious. niggas get called out on the bullshit everyday. b****es toxic manners always overlooked. That's the truth bruh

  • Mar 30, 2021

    based on what I heard Saweetie say I feel like she sees this relationship as a business deal and she wasn't bout to let that bag go down the elevator w/o a fight lol

  • Mar 30, 2021

    Forreal it’s sickening, shoutout to all the real women though.

  • Mar 30, 2021
    2 replies
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    i'm dead. so why would they type s*** like that if they ain't experienced it

    Because my dog won’t ever let women be wrong 😂😂😂

  • VeggieKubernetes

    Hope she sees this

    Hope not. Tired of your mum

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply

    tbf Quavo is just as materialistic as Saweetie so i don't see why we're on her head for that

    I doubt quavo is going to take saweetie back if she sends him a bank transfer

  • Mar 30, 2021
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    i'm dead. so why would they type s*** like that if they ain't experienced it

    likes and retweets

    followed by "since y'all here go check out these cool room projectors #ad"

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply

    It's good. I was really down bad at that time and thought I was in love, don't know why I sat through all that. But it definitely showed me there is no sympathy for men in that situation like there is women. It's not taken serious whatsoever and it sucks. At least women can reach out to other women and have a sympathetic ear. To go through something like that and you can't even talk about it because everyone takes it as a joke and flames you for it.

    you lucky bruh. just had a child with shawty. living a constant hell hostage

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply
    Dat nigga Ace

    It’s really crazy. No other race of women hate their men as much as bitter black women

    Let’s be clear tho it’s a difference between Twitter rhetoric designed to attract engagement and real life tho

  • Mar 30, 2021
    3 replies
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Y’all gotta stop acting like black men don’t be on that bullshit on twitter too lol. There was a twitter famous nigga literally known for baiting bw, think his name was Mario. This is why we will forever be arguing. Y’all act oblivious to the bullshit your side is doing to the other side making it seem like it’s just random bullshit when it’s not.

    they gon act like toxic black women dont get called out on twitter.

    Like the internet didnt make that dumb b**** that talked bout kendrick's wife a laughing stock for a whole year. Like the internet didnt kill Cardi B for d***ging and robbing niggas.

  • Saint Aquinas

    It looks bad but he was liike 6'6 250 and she like 5'9 and like skinny so him just being big running around the cafeteria was just funny. We joke about it from time to time

    I got you, all good

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    i'm dead. so why would they type s*** like that if they ain't experienced it

    the same reason yall s***post on this forum.

  • Mar 30, 2021

    crazy how we knew where this was gonna go eventually

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Imagine not throwing hands if someone tries to rob your PS5

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply

    Because my dog won’t ever let women be wrong 😂😂😂

    "Let’s be clear tho it’s a difference between Twitter rhetoric designed to attract engagement and real life tho"

    so you said the same thing I said but threw a shot anyways.

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    you lucky bruh. just had a child with shawty. living a constant hell hostage

    Oh man that's f***ing bad. She tried to trap me quite a few times, like forcing me to c***in her type s*** convinced she couldn't get pregnant. And funny enough the nigga she got with after me knocked her up.

  • Mar 30, 2021
    1 reply

    I doubt quavo is going to take saweetie back if she sends him a bank transfer

    Y'all missing the point

    Materialistic women usually attract materialistic men. We can't act like Quavo wasn't reciprocating her energy.

    In fact didn't Quavo get at her because she was "icy"?
