idk why you need an online quiz to tell you if you're a h****or not. these questions are pretty straightforward
idk why you need an online quiz to tell you if you're a h****or not. these questions are pretty straightforward
It's not hurting anybody tbh
My boyfriend destroyed my ass last night. Beercan ain’t nothing to f with
My boyfriend destroyed my ass last night. Beercan ain’t nothing to f with
how old were u all when u first did some gay shyt with a guy lol
10 or 11 i think, by two 15 /16 year olds, basically rape.
i didnt know s*** about sex.
lmao i fell in L O V E
My bf is built like a bull
how common is bbc sissy p*** addiction because white twinks be looking at me like a piece of meat lately
how common is bbc sissy p*** addiction because white twinks be looking at me like a piece of meat lately
x_x i apologise on behalf of all the yts.
x_x i apologise on behalf of all the yts.
I be chilling on the way to class and little white petite niggas be biting they lips at me s*** be getting me hard af tho no cap
I be chilling on the way to class and little white petite niggas be biting they lips at me s*** be getting me hard af tho no cap
you better go get you a twink then. not like they'll say no
you better go get you a twink then. not like they'll say no
nah I got a girl rn. I actually like her so I'm trying not to cheat for once
nah I got a girl rn. I actually like her so I'm trying not to cheat for once
"for once" well at least you're TRYING not to be trash lmao
Look up “dozerbear”
I unfortunately am familiar of him..are you saying thats your bf?
Chris Evans.
Knives Out playing in a movie theatre near you
Bruh my phone sent a bunch of undelivered texts to people at midnight last night, including one to my ex-boyfriend who I haven't talked to in months